Nature: Ocean Giants

Whales and dolphins remain a constant source of fascination. But how much do we really know about them? Whales and dolphins, known as cetaceans, may appear to be totally alien to us — but with their mental ability, group communication and the recent discovery that dolphins have individual names, they are closer to us than we ever imagined. This series provides new insights into the lives of whales and dolphins in a visually powerful, engaging and entertaining format. Two of the world’s top underwater cameramen — Doug Allan (“Planet Earth”’s polar specialist) and Didier Noirot (Cousteau’s front-line cameraman) — film breathtaking encounters. Teams of intrepid scientists equipped with the latest technology are making extraordinary breakthroughs in their understanding of these intelligent life forms — breakthroughs that may safeguard their survival. KAKM: Wednesday, Feb. 22 "Giant Lives" @ 7:00pm "Deep Thinkers" @ 8:00pm "Voices of the Sea" @ 9:00pm
algo nuevo

Algo Nuevo June 25, 2017

Here’s the Sunday, June 25th, 2017 edition of Algo Nuevo con Dave Luera — Something New with Dave Luera. If you have questions, comments or music requests for host Dave, send email to or post your comment at the bottom of this post.

Cyrano’s Jihad Jones and the Kalashnikov Babes

"To sell out or not to sell out, that is the question" in Yussef El Guindi's comedy about Ashraf, a struggling actor who must choose between a humble, yet artistically rewarding career on stage and playing a stereotypical terrorist in a film (albeit with a beautiful woman and gads of money!). Join playwright Yussef El Guindi of Jihad Jones and the Kalashnikov Babes along with director Dick Reichman this week on Stage Talk as they talk about Cyrano's Theatre Company's latest offering running through March 9th. KSKA: Friday, 2/21 at 2:45 p.m. Listen now:

Something Different: October 10, 2010

Here’s the music playlist from the October 10, 2010 edition of Something Different with Betsy. ...
Men and women in suit jackets talk and huddle in a meeting room.

Alaska News Nightly: Tuesday, June 29, 2021

How the deal that averted a state government shutdown came together. And, the implications of the probable cause report in the fatal sinking of the Scandies Rose. Plus, a deadly fungus threatens frogs in the Tongass National Forest.

The end of the summer salmon fishery

Some runs were outstanding, some were terrible. On the next Talk of Alaska, we're discussing the state's iconic species-- salmon. Whether you fish for sport, subsistence or make your living as a commercial fisherman or woman, the summer season is wrapping up. Listen Here

Night Music: August 20, 2011

Here’s the music playlist for Night Music with Kirk Waldhaus. All tracks played are listed below in the following format: Song Title Artist Name Album Title CD Label Duration Planet...

AK: Drumline

Imagine you're in middle school. You don't love math or history or any other subject. But there's this thing you look forward to everyday after school. It's called drumline. And a teacher at Clark Middle School thinks it can help kids learn about music and teach them some other skills too. Download Audio

Support What Matters Most to You

Like many baby boomers, until recently, I considered myself immortal. And, one day, I couldn’t believe I was actually answering questions which would lead to a will! Why should I prepare one if it would never be used? But, reluctantly accepting the premise that none of us will make it out alive, I proceeded with the task. Read more.

Cyrano’s 2017 season

KSKA: Friday, January 27 at 2:45pm Unlike many of the area performing arts groups whose seasons go from fall to spring, Cyrano's Theatre Company's season runs from January through December. This week on Stage Talk Producing Artistic Director Teresa K. Pond drops by to give us a preview of what's in store.
A whale breaches the water.

Alaska News Nightly: Monday, December 6, 2021

A federal judge rejects the state's challenge to an emergency subsistence hunt in Kake. Also, the recent COVID outbreak in Petersburg stretches nurses as they treat patients. And listening to North Pacific killer whales reveals where they spend their winters.

Easing the ride: Anchorage road-bike-transit fixes for 2020

As a bike commuter, the culvert under Arctic Valley Boulevard often has been an exciting transit opportunity. I have rolled through water up to my pedals. But a fix in 2020 — a new culvert — is aimed at better managing Chester Creek overflow near Valley of the Moon park.

High Skill Jobs: Non-traditional Paths | Alaska Insight

There are numerous pathways to a great career. Many people choose the college or university route, but multiple high paying jobs require no college education at all.
A person holds shellfish on a beach in Wrangell

Alaska News Nightly: Friday, June 2, 2023

The governor wants to ramp up development of fossil fuels and renewable energy, even if that's a contradiction for some. Plus, Girdwood's only childcare facility is running out of space.

Alaska News Nightly: December 1, 2011

Fuel Shipment May Be Able Get To Nome, Treadwell Pushes For New Icebreakers, Experts Predict More Greenhouse Gas From Thawing Permafrost, Mike Hawker Cancer In ‘Complete Remission’, State’s Immigrant Population Lower Than National Average, Scientists Unveil Draft Halibut Limits for 2012, Bachelor Auction and Ball Coming to Talkeetna, Film Highlights Bristol Bay Native Culture

Alaska News Nightly: Tuesday, Mar. 29, 2016

Four bills aimed at cutting state costs raise local concerns; ‘Huge anomaly’: warm winter limits sea-ice formation, experts say; Murkowski holds hearings to discuss public lands handling; 'Gateways for Growth': New plan to make Municipality more inclusive; severed cable in Kansas hampers test grading in Sitka; Ketchikan responders train for terrorism; Russian and American officials sign wildlife management agreement; Peninsula 'Food Hubs' set to launch in May Download Audio

Soul to Soul: April 5-6, 2014

Here’s the music playlist from the April 5-6, 2014, edition of Soul to Soul with Marvel and Sherry Johnson. All tracks played are listed...

Night Music: December 10, 2011

Here’s the music playlist for Night Music with Kirk Waldhaus. All tracks played are listed below in the following format: Song Title Artist Name Album Title Label Duration “Homecoming” Jingle...

State of Art: Cyrano’s ‘First Date, The Musical’

This week on State of Art we're hearing about Cyrano’s current production “First Date, The Musical.” It tells the story of a couple on a blind date in a New York City restaurant and all the humor and drama that happens along the way. The show opened February 10 and runs through March 5. We’re joined by director Warren Weinstein and lead actress, Abigail Smith.

Video: A Tribute to Mary Louise Rasmuson

Mary Louise Milligan Rasmuson, social catalyst and one of Alaska’s most endeared philanthropists, died on July 30, 2012, at her home in Anchorage, Alaska. Mrs. Rasmuson spent her life breaking barriers, challenging conventions, and seeking to improve opportunities for those around her. Read more.