How are Alaska malls and small businesses affected by COVID-19 shutdowns? | Alaska Insight

As Alaska moves through phases of reopening its economy, retail stores in Anchorage have been open for more than three weeks now....
Boats at port with mountains in the background

How the largest fishing port in the nation is responding to COVID-19 and incoming seasonal workers | Alaska Insight

As businesses across the state reopen, the Aleutian Islands community of Unalaska in the fishing port of Dutch Harbor faces the dual...

Two restaurants shed light on challenges facing the community of Houston, Alaska | Alaska Insight

This time of year, In the Matanuska-Susitna Borough, communities along the Parks highway are usually teeming with tourists looking to camp in...
Nurses wear PPE at Providence Hospital in Anchorage

Fighting COVID-19 at home and in Alaska’s largest hospital | Alaska Insight

The number of coronavirus infections in Alaska is growing. And as the disease continues its spread across the state, it’s impacting more and more Alaskans.
An empty downtown Skagway, Alaska in a summer of no tourism.

The summer that wasn’t; Skagway businesses struggle to survive a season of no tourism In Southeast Alaska, tourism drives the summer economy. In Skagway, it’s critical. But this year, COVID-19 means tourists are mostly non-existent in the town...
Aerial image of Angoon, Alaska

Anxious for relief, rural municipalities navigate spending rules for CARES Act funds

Alaska communities have the freedom to decide how they want to spend coronavirus relief money, but following the federal guidelines hasn't been easy.

For Alaska’s rural children, distance learning exposes gaps in internet equity The new school year is underway in Alaska and the majority of the state's students are attending school online. While online education is a...

What is Ballot Measure 2 proposing to change about Alaska’s voting process? Candidates aren't the only boxes on the ballot come November 4th. Ballot measure 2 seeks to shift elections from primaries to ranked choice voting,...

Kivalina on the Coast: how an Arctic community is responding to climate change The rapid pace of climate change is affecting the arctic region at a more accelerated pace than anywhere else in the world. In 2003,...

Alaska health care officials address vaccine concerns in Black and Indigenous communities To defeat COVID-19, Alaska needs to vaccinate as many residents as possible. But how do concerns about the vaccine affect the success of that...

ANWR on hold: Decades-long uncertainty over Arctic refuge drilling continues

When Joe Biden took office, he immediately slammed the brakes on oil drilling in the Arctic refuge. So how did we get here? And, what’s next?

Alaska legislature returns with COVID-19 precautions, but no clear enforcement for lawmakers There are more than 130 legislators and staff in Juneau for the legislative session. The legislature is taking steps to limit the spread of...

Alaska Black History: celebrating Blanche McSmith and Willard Bowman as early voices for justice There is a long history of Black people coming to Alaska for a wide range of opportunities, working hard and making a name for...
Houses in dirty brown water

Haines residents are still recovering from last year’s landslides The human toll from climate change effects in Alaska are real. The small community of Haines in Southeast Alaska experienced a deadly landslide late...

Alaska companies brace for another slow year for tourism

Alaska tour company hopes for rebound in Chinese tourism 2019 was a record year for Chinese and mandarin-language tourists in Alaska, with roughly 10-thousand travelers...

Remembering Alaskan Thelma Buchholdt, the nation’s first Philippine-born woman legislator Women of color have often been overlooked when it comes to documenting Alaska’s history. The "Extra Tough: Women of the North" exhibit highlights more...

New report shines light on Alaska’s missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls Alaska Native women experience disproportionate levels of violence, but it’s difficult to know exactly how bad the problem is. Mistrust of the legal system...

What’s up with that igloo by Denali and also the tallest building in Fairbanks? A giant, artificial igloo marks the halfway point between Fairbanks and Anchorage along the Parks Highway. It was supposed to be a roadside hotel,...

New recovery center in Mat-Su addresses addiction amid pandemic The number of Alaskans struggling with substance abuse and addiction has grown over the last year, and all too often treatment options were either...

Alaska Native pilots fly with hometown values Many of the pilots who fly for smaller commercial airlines in the state didn’t grow up in the remote communities they serve. Recruiting local...