Top Stories

News stories, radio and TV episodes that warrant one of six spots on our homepage. The homepage is in chronological order of publication date, so stories are moved off the homepage as more are categorized “top stories.”

If you need to be tested for coronavirus in Alaska, it’s likely free

Here's a little bit of good news about coronavirus in Alaska: If you need to be tested, it's likely free.

Now reported out of Safety, Seavey could arrive in Nome as early as 3:30–4:00pm

Nome may be less than two hours away from its 2017 Iditarod finish. Mitch Seavey’s speed continues to exceed expectations. With Seavey out of the Safety checkpoint at 1:10pm Tuesday, an arrival in Nome as early as 3:30–4:00pm is now possible.

Evironmentalists target Shell over Chukchi and Beaufort leases

 Environmental groups are gearing up for a public and shareholder pressure campaign aimed at getting Shell to back off from plans for oil and...
A close-up portrait of a man in glasses

Here’s what some of the first Iditarod mushers remember about the early years of the 1,000-mile race

A couple hundred people packed into the basement of Settlers Bay Lodge last week to commemorate the earlier years of the Iditarod. 
a choir performs onstage, outside

Anchorage Juneteenth festivities kick off this weekend

Juneteenth is recognized as the oldest African American holiday in the United States, and marks the anniversary of when the last American slaves were freed in Texas on June 19, 1865.

Dunleavy calls for lottery, dividend-land exchanges in State of the State address

Dunleavy called the lottery idea an “innovative new approach to revenue” for the state.

We asked all 60 Alaska legislators if they’re getting vaccinated. Here’s what they said.

A survey of Alaska lawmakers underscores the depth of the state's partisan vaccine divide in Alaska. All but one Democrat said they're getting the shot, while 20 of the 34 Republican lawmakers either refused to answer or did not respond.
An Alaska Native man in a black sweatshirt stands and speaks

Protest, policy critiques mark first day of Fairbanks AFN

As the year’s Alaska Federation of Natives Convention began Thursday in Fairbanks, this year’s theme — “Good Government, Alaskan Driven” — loomed large.
a drilling rig

There’s lots of gas in Cook Inlet — here’s why some companies aren’t drilling

Leaders of Alaska’s biggest utilities say they don’t want to risk investing in drilling, when imported LNG appears reliable and competitive.
the Alaska Capitol

Alaska Legislature to face familiar challenges this year

The Alaska Legislature convenes for a new session Tuesday with a bipartisan coalition controlling the Senate for the first time in years.
police vehicles

Police shoot and critically injure man near East Anchorage gas station

The man is the fifth person shot by Anchorage officers during a police response since mid-May. Three of those people have died.

Audit Deems KABATA Project “Unreasonably Optimistic”

An audit of the Knik Arm bridge finds that the agency handling the project has "overstated" its traffic forecasts. Government auditors expect substantially less toll revenue as a result, leaving the state at risk of having to make up the shortfall.
a downed radio tower

Chevak leaders declare local emergency after storm losses

The Chevak Native Village and the City of Chevak declared a state of emergency in response to the storm during a joint meeting Tuesday night.

Peter Pan Seafoods Port Moller plant devastated in overnight fire

The Peter Pan Seafoods processing plant in Port Moller has been devastated by a massive fire that burned through Tuesday night and into Wednesday morning. Listen now

State suspends former Fairbanks Memorial Hospital chief of staff

The State Medical Board has suspended the license of the former chief of staff at Fairbanks Memorial Hospital. The suspension of Dr. Christopher Jensen earlier this month is the result of accusations filed by the state, including drug use. Listen now

Scientists Watching Retreating Sea Ice

As September approaches, scientists are guessing how far the Arctic Sea ice will retreat this year before it begins to freeze up again. ...
Academy Charter School in Palmer.

Many Alaska charter school principals oppose Dunleavy’s plan for state approval option

Alaska charter principals say they greatly favor the existing local control of school districts.

Revenue commissioner outlines a new direction for Alaska’s gas pipeline project

That direction looks a lot like a previous version of the project: one that was led by the oil companies on the North Slope.

Plane Crashes Near Merrill Field Claims Life

Steve Heimel, APRN – Anchorage A single-engine plane crashed on takeoff from Merrill Field in Anchorage yesterday and at least one died in the resulting...