Top Stories

News stories, radio and TV episodes that warrant one of six spots on our homepage. The homepage is in chronological order of publication date, so stories are moved off the homepage as more are categorized “top stories.”

Presidential Advisor Hopes for More Dialogue with Tribes

The first ever senior adviser to a President on Native American issues says she hopes to see better dialogue and increased respect...

US life expectancy falls for 2nd year in a row

Despite the availability of life-saving COVID-19 vaccines, so many people died in the second year of the pandemic in the U.S. that the nation's life expectancy dropped for a second year in a row last year, according to a new analysis.
a Girdwood water rescue

Girdwood fire crews rescue man trapped up to his waist in Turnagain Arm mud

The surveyor became in stuck in the mudflats and then called 911 on his cellphone.
People walk on a dock, with a cruise ship in the background.

Cruise ships returned to Southeast Alaska, but don’t call it a comeback

The year before the pandemic, Alaska set record numbers for cruise ship tourism. This year, it’s estimated Juneau will see about 10% of its usual cruise traffic.

Governor Hickel hospitalized

Former Governor Wally Hickel was hospitalized early this morning  after complaining of chest pains.  His assistant Malcolm Roberts says Hickel was feeling better by...

Meet the Trump administration official whose signature could formally open ANWR to drilling

On his second day on the job at the U.S. Department of Interior, Joe Balash says he was personally tasked with carrying out Congress’ instructions to hold an oil lease sale in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. "I am confident that we are able to move forward here and not devastate the Porcupine caribou herd. I am absolutely convinced of that,” Balash says.

Updated budget requests would fund earthquake relief, cut school funds

One request includes cutting $20 million for public schools that lawmakers agreed to as part of the budget deal last spring.