Top Stories

News stories, radio and TV episodes that warrant one of six spots on our homepage. The homepage is in chronological order of publication date, so stories are moved off the homepage as more are categorized “top stories.”

Don Young opens legal defense fund; protects campaign funds

Congressman Don Young has setup a legal defense fund. The fund will help him cover rising legal costs that stem from federal investigations into...

Is 'threatened' status of polar bears being held up for Chukchi oil & gas leases?

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service director Dale Hall was back before another congressional panel today answering questions about why a decision on whether to...

Gasline Port Authority appeals AGIA decision; denied

The Alaska Gasline Port Authority has been rejected a second time by the Palin Administration. The administration selected TransCanada as its potential developer of...

Governor would not veto legislative session move to Anchorage

The Governor's comments came in a news conference this afternoon – just after the House State Affairs Committee held a two-hour hearing on legislation...

State files brief supporting Exxon Valdez plaintiffs

The state of Alaska has now joined with others in support of Exxon Valdez oil spill plaintiffs. Today, the state filed an amicus brief...

New study sheds light on sexual assaults in Alaska

This morning the Alaska State Troopers and the University of Alaska Anchorage's Justice Center unveiled a new sexual assault study.  The in-depth analysis examined...

VPSO task force issues report on village safety

A task force looking into the need for law enforcement in rural communities has finished its report for the state senate. The Village Public...

Should Legislature pass Constitutional Amendment for gas tax certainty?

Fairbanks Representative Jay Ramras is looking for industry and government input for a Constitutional Amendment he's sponsored. If approved by the public, the amendment...

Environmental groups seeking MMS documents disclosure

The Center for Biological Diversity and the Natural Resources Defense Council filed a lawsuit in federal court today seeking to force the release of...

Comments open on proposed Yukon Flats refuge / oil development land exchange

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has released a draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for a proposed land exchange in the Yukon Flats National...

Alaska Congressional delegation files brief in support of Exxon Valdez plaintiffs

Senators Ted Stevens and Lisa Murkowski and Congressman Don Young today filed an amicus brief to the US Supreme Court in support of the...

Senator Stevens weighs in on economic stimulus proposal

Yesterday, the White House and U-S House leaders announced an economic stimulus plan. Senator Ted Stevens gave his evaluation of the proposal today. Joel Southern,...

New walrus tagging research sheds light on reproductive failure

More details are coming out about the reproductive failure of Walruses in the Chukchi Sea last fall. A few of the animals were tracked...

Congress takes up reform of 19th century mining law

The U-S Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee has begun a series of hearings on how to go about reforming the 1872 Mining Law...

Board of Game to consider "denning" of wolf cubs

The Board of Game will consider allowing the culling of wolf pups pulled from dens.  The proposal is one of several aimed at enabling...

Mayor Begich makes the rounds in Washington

National Democrats are courting Anchorage Mayor Mark Begich to run this year against Senator Ted Stevens, who’s perceived to be vulnerable because of corruption...

LeDoux Congressional campaign stopped amidst fundraising complaints

Kodiak Republican Gabrielle LeDoux has put her campaign for Congress on hold -- at least the fundraising part of it. Fellow members of the...

Exxon Valdez plaintiffs file last brief before Supreme Court oral arguments

Yesterday, attorneys submitted a brief to the Supreme Court on behalf of claimants in the Exxon-Valdez punitive damages case. This is the plaintiffs' final...

Dorgan and Murkowski bring Indian health issues to Senate floor

A bill to modernize the Indian Health Care Improvement Act was debated on the U.S. Senate floor today. The law has not been updated...

State House proposes new campaign fundraising rules for legislators

A state House Committee today approved new limits on campaign fundraising during the legislative session. The State Affairs Committee approved a bill by Anchorage...