
All news stories, regardless of topic (local, statewide + national news stories, as well as Talk of Alaska, Alaska News Nightly, Alaska Insight, Alaska Economic Report). Some news stories may also have other categories marked, which will also put them on a subpage. Not all news stories will fall into a subpage.

2013 Togiak Herring Closes After Near Record Season

As of 12:00 p.m. Tuesday, the 2013 Togiak commercial sac roe herring fishery has closed. Fishing through tough weather over the weekend, the gillnet fleet scraped by with a couple hundred tons landed each day, and on Monday the buyers announced they were done buying for the season. Download Audio
a nurse administers a vaccine to a patient

As COVID numbers drop, state health officials continue to urge vaccination

State epidemiologist Dr. Joe McLaughlin shared data that shows COVID infections carry much greater risk for heart problems than vaccinations.

Alaska banks appear to have avoided the crisis

Banking officials in Alaska say their institutions are sound. Despite the national economic crisis, there have been no recent failures among Alaska banks. Industry...

Walker, Mallott form Unity Ticket to oppose Parnell

The Bill Walker and Byron Mallott campaigns have joined forces to defeat Governor Sean Parnell in November. They're calling their combined campaign the Alaska First Unity ticket. The pair announced their decision at a packed press conference Monday afternoon. Download Audio
A woman walks out of the house of representatives to a small crowd

Alaska House rejects $5,500 payout, sends budget to negotiating committee

The cost of $3.6 billion for dividends and energy payments was too large for a majority of lawmakers

Cook Inlet company fined nearly half a million dollars for safety violations

A state agency on Tuesday (Feb. 14) announced it is fining an oil and gas company that operates in Cook Inlet for major safety violations. Listen now

Senate Passes Stimulus Spending Bill

The economic stimulus bill is one step closer to the governor’s desk. The Senate passed the four hundred fifty million dollar spending bill today...

Unalaska terminates new fire chief charged with sexual assault in Illinois

The man hired to serve as Unalaska’s new fire chief has been fired after he was charged with sexual assault in Illinois. Listen now

Unalaska Clinic Shares Ebola Response Plans

Concerns about Ebola are running high in Unalaska. The town’s unique geography and large international workforce have residents wondering how they’d be affected by an outbreak. Local medical providers are trying to calm those fears. Download Audio
The Providence Medical Center in Anchorage.

LISTEN: Alaska Regional and Providence CEOs discuss Anchorage’s hospital capabilities during COVID-19

COVID-19 is sweeping its way across Alaska and the entire world. What are the capabilities of our hospitals? How much PPE do we have here?

Community Leaders Flying to Kotzebue for Meeting on Ambler Road

Starting Wednesday, the Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority—or AIDEA—is holding two days of meetings in Kotzebue about a proposed 200-mile road through the interior to the Ambler Mining District.

A glacial dam near Juneau could burst any time

A jökulhlaup - or glacial dam release - could happen any time, but scientists are trying to understand how much flooding could happen.
a musher kisses her dog on its head

Mussel, the ‘snuggle bunny’

Mussel is “all business” when he’s racing, and when he’s not “he’s an excellent snuggle bunny," said Amanda Otto.

State lets Conoco expand North Slope unit, but with conditions

The state is trying to speed up development of oil fields on the North Slope by putting pressure on ConocoPhillips to explore a new area. Listen now

Man Sentenced for Charges of Being Peeping Tom with Interest in Child Pornography

Steve Heimel, APRN - Anchorage Thursday, federal law clerk Daniel Eisman, 36, was sentenced to four years imprisonment after pleading guilty to charges that he...

Police Release Identity of Body Found in Anchorage

The body found this week on the coastal trail in Anchorage has been confirmed as that of a woman missing for seven weeks. Police say in a statement that dental records were used to confirm the identity of 63-year-old Letitia Baxter.
A group of children play in puddles.

Majority of Alaska students will start the school year under universal mask policies

A comparison of mask policies from school districts around the state show the majority of districts, urban and rural, have implemented universal mask policies for the start of the school year.
Platters of food on a table.

Alaska Native hospital patients thankful for traditional foods program that serves up seal soup, agutuk and more

Alaska Native Medical Center's Traditional Native Foods Initiative was the subject of a recent story in The New York Times by Alaska writer Victoria Petersen.

Archaeological Dig Near Quinhagak Provides a Look Into Ancient Yup’ik Culture

At the site of an ancient village near Quinhagak, Archeologists race against erosion to uncover Yup’ik artifacts. What they find not only provides a look into the daily lives of Yupi’k ancestors, but also sheds light on a brutal period in the region’s history. Download Audio

Skagway Assembly formally voices support for police chief following loss of state certification

The Skagway Borough Assembly formally voiced its support for Police Chief Ray Leggett at a meeting last week.