
All news stories, regardless of topic (local, statewide + national news stories, as well as Talk of Alaska, Alaska News Nightly, Alaska Insight, Alaska Economic Report). Some news stories may also have other categories marked, which will also put them on a subpage. Not all news stories will fall into a subpage.

Citgo to distribute free heating fuel again this year

Thousands of gallons of free heating fuel will once again be distributed to households in parts of Alaska this winter. It's another gift...

Oil-tax debate brings back memories

Oil tax discussions at the state capitol during the special session are reminiscent of years past when black crude first started flowing down the...

House and Senate get down to brass tacks on new oil taxes

The House and Senate Finance Committees are opening deliberations on new taxes for the oil industry -- and they could push he special legislative...

Legislature toys with Exxon-Valdez element in oil-tax rewrite

A new legal tool was introduced yesterday that, supporters say, would put pressure on Exxon to pay the two-point-five million dollars it owes Alaska...

"Amiable Nancy" may play central role in Supreme Court ruling on Exxon-Valdez

In February, the Supreme Court will look at what happened in the waters of Prince William Sound more than 18 years ago. But for...

Clock ticks down on Mat-Maid

The state's Creamery Corporation Board has set a final pickup date for milk bound for Matanuska Maid processing and scheduled a last delivery date...

Students push for action on global warming

Alaska students took part in several Washington, D-C events today aimed at urging action on climate change. Joel Southern, APRN - Washington, DC

Governor Palin looks to create climate-change strategy

Members of Governor Palin’s cabinet meet tomorrow in Fairbanks as they begin to create a climate-change strategy for the state. Alaska trails other western...

End of an Era

The state's Creamery Corporation Board has set a final pickup date for milk bound for Matanuska Maid processing and scheduled a last delivery date...

Building goes down as Government Hill's hopes rise…

The redevelopment of Anchorage's oldest neighborhood took a step forward yesterday with the demolition of a former auto body shop and gas station.  The...

AK: Home

This week on AK, we're heading Home -- to tent camps in the woods, retirement homes on the waterfront, and the Pioneers Home, at...

State tries to figure out recruitment and retention problems

A government task force is putting the finishing touches on a study that is expected to show why the state of Alaska is having...

Alaska Supreme Court rules against mandatory parental consent for abortions

The Alaska Supreme Court has ruled against a law which would have required girls sixteen years of age and younger to get parental consent...

Court also strikes down official English-language initiative

The Alaska Supreme Court also ruled today to uphold a lower court decision that struck down a provision of the Official English Initiative. Lori Townsend,...

Fort Knox Gold Mine gets the go ahead

Fairbanks Gold Mining can move ahead on its heap leach project at Fort Knox. Dan Bross, KUAC - Fairbanks

President vetoes water bill

Today President Bush vetoed a big national water projects bill that includes a slew of Alaska items. Joel Southern, APRN - Anchorage

Anchorage Fire Department brings home gold

After winning a gold medal at the firefighter combat challenge national championships last month, the three man team from the Anchorage Fire Department leaves...

Fairbanks food bank suffers Thanksgiving cut

The Fairbanks Community Food Bank is taking a major cut in state funding for its Thanksgiving program. Dan Bross, KUAC - Fairbanks

Rabid Wolf surfaces in Marshall

One of the wolves that killed dogs last week in the western Alaska Village of Marshall had rabies. Dan Bross, KUAC - Fairbanks

Survey examines Native-community attitudes

A recent Alaska Native opinion survey conducted by the First Alaskans institute was the first state wide effort to gauge the attitudes...