
All news stories, regardless of topic (local, statewide + national news stories, as well as Talk of Alaska, Alaska News Nightly, Alaska Insight, Alaska Economic Report). Some news stories may also have other categories marked, which will also put them on a subpage. Not all news stories will fall into a subpage.

Drifting Barge Heading for Arctic Sea Ice

A small fuel barge is drifting toward Arctic sea ice, north of Prudhoe Bay - and the Coast Guard says it’ll probably be stuck there until next summer.

Begich, Sullivan Meet At AFN Senate Candidate Forum

Candidates for U.S. Senate Dan Sullivan and Sen. Mark Begich met on-stage at the Alaska Federation of Natives Convention in Anchorage Friday. Download Audio

State OKs Flint Hills’ Refinery Cleanup Plan

State officials have approved a plan proposed by Flint Hills Resources-Alaska to continue an ongoing cleanup of sulfolane and other contaminants that have leaked from its North Pole refinery since the 1970s. The agreement may help improve the chances of Flint Hills eventually selling the refinery, which it closed in May. Download Audio

Fuel Barge Still Adrift In Beaufort Sea

An unmanned fuel barge adrift in the Beaufort Sea hasn’t run aground yet. A Coast Guard aircraft from Air Station Kodiak got a visual on the small Canadian barge Friday. Download Audio

Fish & Game Revising Wildlife Habitat Management Plans

The Alaska Department of Fish and Game is revising management plans for some of the most exceptional areas of wildlife habitat in the state. But critics say that even after an outcry about what's been called a massive erosion in environmental protection by both the public and the Legislature, little to nothing has been fixed.

Small Fuel Barge Adrift In Beaufort Sea

A small, unmanned fuel barge is adrift in the Beaufort Sea and may be heading toward Prudhoe Bay after its tow line snapped in a storm on Monday. Download Audio

AFN President Criticizes Gov. Sean Parnell

The head of Alaska’s largest Native organization publicly criticized Gov. Sean Parnell Thursday morning, the opening day of the Alaska Federation of Natives Convention in Anchorage. Download Audio

20 Alaska Native Languages Now Official State Languages

Twenty Alaska Native languages are now official languages in the State of Alaska — after Governor Sean Parnell signed House Bill 216 into law this morning at the Alaska Federation of Native conference. Download Audio

Alaska Public Media, ADN Reach Agreement With State Over Public Records Request

Alaska Public Media and the Alaska Dispatch News have reached an agreement with the state of Alaska in their lawsuit to obtain records related to the Alaska National Guard scandal.

Tanana Youths Speak Out Against Sexual Assault, Marijuana Legalization

The Tanana 4-H club returned to the Elders and Youth Conference Tuesday, following up on their emotional presentation at last year’s conference. The group’s message is still the same: they don’t always feel safe or cared for and they want that to change, but now they’re also taking a stand against marijuana legalization. Download Audio

Begich, Walker/Mallot Are the Early Frontrunners for AFN Endorsement

Alaska’s largest Native organization will vote on candidate endorsements Saturday morning. The Alaska Federation of Natives Board of Directors has drafted two resolutions that will be heard on the final day of the AFN convention in Anchorage. Download Audio

Debris Lobe Threatens Dalton Highway

Geology and climate are interacting in the Brooks Range, sending masses of debris down mountains toward the Dalton Highway. One of the moving debris lobes has prompted a plan to relocate the road. Download Audio

Military Recruiters Banned From Anchorage, Mat-Su Schools

Military recruiters are no longer welcome at Anchorage or Mat-Su schools. Download Audio

Federally-Managed Cook Inlet Waters Could Open Up For Oil, Gas Exploration

The federally-managed waters of Cook Inlet could open up for oil and gas exploration in the next few years. Industry interest has spurred the review of sites along the Inlet by the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management. BOEM held the first of two meet-and-greets yesterday with Peninsula residents to reopen the conversation about the proposed sale. Today, it released its intent to draft an environmental impact statement in support of a potential sale. Download Audio

Elders and Youth Conference Kicks Off In Anchorage

The 30th annual Elders and Youth conference began Monday in Anchorage. The conference is held each year at the beginning of the same week as the Alaska Federation of Natives convention. The gathering is an opportunity for youth to discuss an array of issues relevant to Alaska Natives with support from their elders. Download Audio

Malaspina Crew Helps In Canada Rescue Effort

The crew of the Alaska Marine Highway System ferry Malaspina participated in a weekend rescue effort in Canadian waters. Download Audio

State Disputes ANWR Boundaries

The state of Alaska has launched the opening salvo in a border dispute with the federal government over the western edge of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. At stake is a 20 thousand acre wedge of land that the federal government counts as part of ANWR. But in a letter to the BLM today, the state asserts the government has mapped ANWR incorrectly. The state says the wedge of land between the Canning and the Staines River is actually outside the refuge, according to a 1960 legal description of the refuge border. Download Audio

Air Quality Settlement Requires Review Of Particulate Pollution Plans

A legal settlement between an environmental organization and the federal government requires review of plans for dealing with new sources of fine particulate pollution in Los Angeles California and Fairbanks. Download Audio

BBEDC Releases 2013 Annual Report

Mailboxes across the Bristol Bay region have been filling up in recent days with the 36-page annual report from the community development quota organization that represents the region. Download Audio

Fairbanks Air Quality Regulation Now In Local Lawmakers’ Control

Voters in the Fairbanks North Star Borough have rejected a ballot initiative that would have continued a ban on local regulation of area clean air standards. Download Audio