
All news stories, regardless of topic (local, statewide + national news stories, as well as Talk of Alaska, Alaska News Nightly, Alaska Insight, Alaska Economic Report). Some news stories may also have other categories marked, which will also put them on a subpage. Not all news stories will fall into a subpage.

Wasilla Principal Says Congressman Young Offended Grieving School

The principal of Wasilla High School says Congressman Don Young offended her students at a school assembly yesterday. Young, known for brash talk throughout his four decades in office, spoke to students about suicide and gay marriage in a manner Principal Amy Spargo describes as hurtful.

Tanana Youths Speak Out Against Sexual Assault, Marijuana Legalization

The Tanana 4-H club returned to the Elders and Youth Conference Tuesday, following up on their emotional presentation at last year’s conference. The group’s message is still the same: they don’t always feel safe or cared for and they want that to change, but now they’re also taking a stand against marijuana legalization. Download Audio

Alaska News Nightly: October 22, 2014

Wasilla High Principal Says Congressman Young Offended Grieving School; Tanana 4H Members Follow Up On Emotional Presentation; Begich, Walker/Mallot Are the Early Frontrunners for AFN Endorsement; Debris Lobe Threatens Dalton Highway; High Energy Prices Driving Builders, Homebuyers to More Efficient Housing; Senate F Race Pits Valley Educator Against Seasoned Legislator; Alaska Writer Presents Simple Philosophy On Wildlife Download Audio

Begich, Walker/Mallot Are the Early Frontrunners for AFN Endorsement

Alaska’s largest Native organization will vote on candidate endorsements Saturday morning. The Alaska Federation of Natives Board of Directors has drafted two resolutions that will be heard on the final day of the AFN convention in Anchorage. Download Audio

Debris Lobe Threatens Dalton Highway

Geology and climate are interacting in the Brooks Range, sending masses of debris down mountains toward the Dalton Highway. One of the moving debris lobes has prompted a plan to relocate the road. Download Audio

High Energy Prices Driving Builders, Homebuyers to More Efficient Housing

As energy prices continue to rise, Alaskan engineers and builders are pushing the envelope in the quest to build ever-more energy-efficient housing. Some of those innovations are making their way into residential construction, as builders look to meet homebuyers' demand. Download Audio

Senate F Race Pits Valley Educator Against Seasoned Legislator

A new District.. Senate F.. was created with last year's state redistricting plan, and now two candidates with solid ties to the the area want to represent it in Juneau. Download Audio

Alaska Writer Presents Simple Philosophy On Wildlife

Bill Sherwonit knows a thing or two about Alaska wildlife. The Anchorage based writer has spent decades traipsing through swamps, forging rivers and hiking mountains studying and writing about Alaska's critters. From the superstars like grizzly bears, moose and caribou to the lowly wood frog. Even shrews and spiders have been given respectful literary treatment. Sherwonit has a simple philosophy about his relationship with wild animals. Download Audio

Ret. Colonel runs for House District 15, seeks to reduce and realign budget

A political newcomer is vying for the House seat in Anchorage's district 15, which contains Muldoon and Elmendorf. Retired Army Colonel Laurie Hummel, a Democrat, is challenging Republican Gabrielle LeDoux, who has served in the legislature representing first Kodiak and now district 15. KSKA spoke with Hummel about her campaign. LeDoux did not respond to requests for an interview. Download Audio

Three Top National Guard Leaders Fired

Their removal is in response to an investigation by the National Guard Bureau that found a lack of trust in leadership. Download Audio

Alaska News Nightly: October 21, 2014

3 Alaska National Guard Leaders Fired Monday; Military Recruiters Banned From Anchorage, Mat-Su Schools; Federally-Managed Cook Inlet Waters Could Open Up For Oil, Gas Exploration; False Pass Forges Ahead With Tidal Power; Wrangell Doctor Appears In Court Again After Arrest For Child Porn; After Hazing, Juneau School District Tries To Move Forward; AVCP Works to Reopen Flight School; Public Meetings Begin On Proposed Park Service Sport Hunting Ban; Courts Rule Against 2 Plaintiffs Challenging Park Service Authority; After Two Years, Biologist is Still Trying to Count Alaska's Migratory Shorebirds; Ketchikan Assembly Says No To Adding Official Prayer Download Audio

Military Recruiters Banned From Anchorage, Mat-Su Schools

Military recruiters are no longer welcome at Anchorage or Mat-Su schools. Download Audio

Federally-Managed Cook Inlet Waters Could Open Up For Oil, Gas Exploration

The federally-managed waters of Cook Inlet could open up for oil and gas exploration in the next few years. Industry interest has spurred the review of sites along the Inlet by the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management. BOEM held the first of two meet-and-greets yesterday with Peninsula residents to reopen the conversation about the proposed sale. Today, it released its intent to draft an environmental impact statement in support of a potential sale. Download Audio

False Pass Forges Ahead With Tidal Power

The 40-odd residents of False Pass have waited years to find out if their turbulent seas could ever be used as a source of energy. And they may finally have an answer -- and a path to renewable power. Download Audio

Wrangell Doctor Appears In Court Again After Arrest For Child Porn

A Wrangell doctor arrested last week for possessing and distributing child pornography appeared in court again Monday. Download Audio
A photograph of the Juneau School District offices.

After Hazing, Juneau School District Tries To Move Forward

The Juneau School District has spent at least $20,000 investigating and dealing with last May’s hazing incident where seven incoming seniors paddled six incoming freshmen. The district took disciplinary action, which resulted in one student appeal. The school board will decide tonight (Tuesday) behind closed doors what to do with the student grievance. The school district is trying to move forward proactively. Download Audio

AVCP Works to Reopen Flight School

The Association of Village Council Presidents is working toward reopening their flight School, Yuut Yaqungviat, in Bethel. AVCP President Myron Naneng says bringing back the flight school is part of an economic development strategy. Download Audio

Public Meetings Begin On Proposed Park Service Sport Hunting Ban

The National Park Service will host 17 public hearings across the state beginning Tuesday, October 21 through November 20th to address the agency’s proposals to prohibit some sport hunting on National Park and Preserve lands. Download Audio

Courts Rule Against 2 Plaintiffs Challenging Park Service Authority

The 9th Circuit Court of appeals has ruled against plaintiffs in two cases challenging National Park Service authority. The court found against hunters John Sturgeon of Anchorage and Jim Wilde of Central, who challenged park service regulation of state waters inside Yukon Charley Rivers Park and Preserve. Download Audio

After Two Years, Biologist is Still Trying to Count Alaska’s Migratory Shorebirds

Two years ago, one biologist set out to try and count the number of shorebirds that migrate to and from Alaska each summer. The data collected in conjunction with the National Park Service the will help wildlife managers track bird reproduction and survival rates. It may also be useful as off shore oil and gas development moves ahead. Download Audio