
All news stories, regardless of topic (local, statewide + national news stories, as well as Talk of Alaska, Alaska News Nightly, Alaska Insight, Alaska Economic Report). Some news stories may also have other categories marked, which will also put them on a subpage. Not all news stories will fall into a subpage.

Sen. Lisa Murkowski speaks on the senate floor. (YouTube screenshot/Sen. Lisa Murkowski)

Murkowski: Where’s that Arctic port?

When President Obama was in Alaska last year, he said he wanted to advance plans for a deepwater port in the Alaskan Arctic, possibly in Nome. Today, Sen. Lisa Murkowski followed up on that with the head of the Army Corps of Engineers. Download Audio

Alaska News Nightly: Wednesday, Mar. 2, 2016

Murkowski seeks funding for deep-water port in Alaska; why Alaska Republicans chose Cruz (and Trump, too); Legislature proposes new state bank; Alaska's credit downgraded from AAA to AA1; Lack of snow shortens Iditarod start from 11 to 3 miles; Warm winter changes nature of seal hunting; In Anchorage education lottery, lots of winners; A new generation walks for sobriety in Kwethluk Download Audio

Warm winter changes nature of seal hunting

The warm winter has extended far north of Anchorage as well. The spring season for bearded seals, or ugruk, has come nearly two months early for some hunters in Western Alaska. Warm weather makes the hunt a little easier, but locals are concerned about precarious sea ice and unpredictable weather. Download Audio

Why Alaska Republicans chose Cruz (and Trump, too)

Amid record turnout, Ted Cruz squeaked out a win over Donald Trump in Alaska. Party members said voters responded to both candidates' anti-establishment messages. Download Audio

Legislature proposes new state bank

Two Democratic state legislators are proposing a state bank. Fairbanks Representative Scott Kawasaki and Anchorage Representative Chris Tuck say House Bill 364 would help fill state coffers and aid small business. Download Audio

Alaska’s credit downgraded from AAA to AA1

The Moody's credit rating agency has downgraded Alaska's credit rating, affecting more than $744 million of outstanding general obligation bond debt. Download Audio

Kodiak ancestral remains to return home

After a struggle that’s lasted more than a decade, ancestral remains long removed from the Kodiak Archipelago will soon return home.

In Anchorage education lottery, lots of winners

It's school lottery time in Anchorage. That means parents who may want to opt out of their neighborhood school are considering optional and charter school programs across the district. But at least one neighborhood school principal says charter schools and neighborhood schools aren't necessarily so different. Download Audio

Lack of snow shortens Iditarod start from 11 to 3 miles

A lack of snow in Alaska's largest city has led the world's most famous sled dog race to shorten its ceremonial start this weekend. Download Audio

BLM proposes Red Devil clean-up, calls for community meetings

The Bureau of Land Management on Tuesday is releasing its proposed plan on how to clean up the hazardous tailings left by the Red Devil Mine.

State lawmakers recommend closing the Nome Youth Facility

A subcommittee for the Alaska House of Representatives has recommended closing the Nome Youth Facility. The closure would save more than a million dollars outright, but some say it would come at the expense of kids who live in western Alaska.

Air carrier accused of punishing whistleblower

Bald Mountain Air Service is accused of suspending, firing and then essentially blacklisting a pilot who blew the whistle on the company for violating federal safety standards. The U.S. Department of Labor ordered the air service to reinstate the pilot, pay him $100,000 in damages on top of a little more than three years’ back pay.

Borough pot ordinance stuck on setbacks

Potential cannabis growers in the Valley are worried that a one hundred foot setback rule could quash business.

Cruz wins Alaska’s GOP presidential poll (slightly)

Cruz received 36 percent of the vote, with New York businessman Donald Trump taking 34 percent, and record-breaking turnout among party-members.

Retail and recreation under threat in Anchorage warm weather winters

Few people's livelihoods in Anchorage depend on reliable winter conditions. But there may be a hazard to the city's economic health if winter-loving outdoor enthusiasts decide dark, icy winters aren't worth sticking around for.

Alaska Republicans go to the polls on Super Tuesday

Republicans are holding their Presidential Preference Poll on Tuesday. Alaska will send 28 delegates to the Republican Convention -- the same number as Oregon, despite Alaska's small population. Download Audio

Anchorage elections face ‘dire’ staffing shortfall

Officials say that under pressing deadline they are 70 people under the bare minimum needed to pull off municipal elections in Anchorage.

Alaska News Nightly: March 1, 2016

Alaska Republicans go to the polls on Super Tuesday; more cuts proposed to budget, everything from libraries to senior benefits; judge rules in favor of Medicaid expansion; polling stations critically understaffed, need volunteers; let it snow, please; without ferry service, a Southeast village considers $18 gallon of milk; Anchorage cyclist wins Iditarod Trail Invitational; Sitka revisiting idea of consolidating hospital services; New life raft regulations for fishing boats no longer required Download Audio

More cuts proposed to budget, everything from libraries to senior benefits

Alaskans giving public testimony this week on the House’s budget proposal oppose cuts to many areas. The Republican-led majority released a budget this week that included 145 million dollars more in cuts than Governor Bill Walker’s budget. It would reduce spending on everything from public libraries to senior benefits. Download Audio

Judge rules in favor of Medicaid expansion

A superior court judge ruled in favor of Governor Walker today in the Legislative Council's case against Medicaid expansion. The Republican led legislative council sued last summer to stop Walker from unilaterally expanding Medicaid. Download Audio