Top Stories

News stories, radio and TV episodes that warrant one of six spots on our homepage. The homepage is in chronological order of publication date, so stories are moved off the homepage as more are categorized “top stories.”

Plane Crashes Near Merrill Field Claims Life

Steve Heimel, APRN – Anchorage A single-engine plane crashed on takeoff from Merrill Field in Anchorage yesterday and at least one died in the resulting...

Wet Weather Helps to Slow Interior Fires

Rain showers and higher humidity have slowed fire activity in the state, but there are still more than 90 active, 14 of which are...

Aggressive Blaze Burns Near Palmer

The fire burning by Eklutna Lake near Palmer has grown. It has now burned 1,300 acres. John See is with the division of forestry....

Wildfires Continue Raging in Interior

Wildfires continue to rage in the interior due to hot dry weather, lightning and erratic winds.  Over 80 active fires are charring thousands of...

Crews Battling Fires Near Eklutna Lake

A fire near Eklutna Lake in Southcentral Alaska was only burning on about 30 acres until Sunday when Fire Information Officer Pete Buist says...

Trans Alaska Pipeline Approved to Restart Line

The operator of the Trans Alaska pipeline system says it has received federal approval to restart the 800-mile line after a spill this week....

Fire Crews Work to Fend Off Fire Near Tanacross

Fire crews and village residents fended off the advance of a wildfire approaching Tanacross yesterday.  State Fire Information officer Pete Buist says local firefighters,...

Arctic Drilling Put on Hold

President Obama has put offshore drilling in the arctic on hold.  He announced his decision at a White House press conference today. Obama’s...

Shell Pushing to Begin Drilling in 2011

Shell says it respects today's decision.  But that doesn't mean the company isn't disappointed. Vice President of Shell Alaska, Pete Slaiby, says the company's...

BP Begins Top Kill to Plug Wellhead

Oil company BP is trying to plug the gushing spill in the Gulf of Mexico by forcing drilling mud into the well. The...

Alyeska Pipeline Remains Shut Down After Spill

The Trans Alaska Pipeline remains shut down following a spill at a pump station yesterday.  Up to several thousand barrels of oil are estimated...

Alyeska Pipeline Spill Update

The Trans Alaska Pipeline system is still shut down as Alyeska Pipeline Service Company continues their assessment of the spill. Alyeska Pipeline Service Company spokeswoman...

Washington Looking to Hold BP Accountable

As the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico continues to flow and soil Louisiana’s coastline, Washington is asking how oil company BP should...

Alyeska Pipeline Reports Spill

Alyeska Pipeline Service company reported a spill during a power failure at pump station nine this morning. The power failure resulted in the tank...

Oil Companies Seeking Bids for Natural Gas Pipeline

Earlier this month TransCanada Alaska president Tony Palmer told the Anchorage Chamber of Commerce that industry interest in his company's natural gas pipeline plan...

Fort Wainwright Soldier Investigated for Offensive Video

A Fort Wainwright soldier is being investigated after a video of two very young Iraqi boys allegedly being harassed by the soldier surfaced on...

Gubernatorial Candidates Weigh in on Offshore Drilling Debate

The candidates on the trail during this year’s gubernatorial races are beginning to hear from voters about the BP Oil spill in the Gulf...

Alaska’s Senators Split Their Votes on Financial Reform

Alaska’s Senators split their votes last night on a financial reform bill that passed 59 to 39.  Democrats largely supported it, and all but...

Bethel Senior Center Slashes Services

The Eddie Hoffman Senior Center in Bethel means a lot of things to a lot of elders: It’s food, it’s transportation, its friendship. But...

State Prepares Controversial Predator Control Project

State Wildlife managers announced today they’re going ahead with a plan to carry out predator control next month on Unimak Island, with or...