Suzette Lohmeyer - NPR

Suzette Lohmeyer - NPR
Flat vector illustration depicting Coronavirus 2019-nCoV symptoms and prevention tips: checking temperature; keep surface and objects clean; keep safety distance; caution; use tissue for coughs; follow government instructions; use communication on distance for example E-learning or web conference; virus; use basics protection like gloves and surgical masks; medical staff must wear professional clothes, masks, glasses and gloves; searching for vaccine; avoid touching mouth, eyes and nose; avoid group of people; avoid travelling; wash hand with soap for at least 20 seconds; stay at home; sick person must stay at home; Coronavirus attack lungs; basic symptoms: fever, cough, sinusitis, shortness of breath.

So you’ve got COVID. Here’s what to do.

Omicron is still spreading and it's crazy contagious. Experts share seven steps to deal with an infection, protect your household from getting sick and stay sane in the process.