Lori Townsend, Alaska Public Media

Lori Townsend, Alaska Public Media
Lori Townsend is the news director and senior host for Alaska Public Media. You can send her news tips and program ideas for Talk of Alaska and Alaska Insight at ltownsend@alaskapublic.org or call 907-550-8452.

LISTEN: Alaska’s history of immigration goes farther back than you might think

Immigrants play a large role in expanding the state's cultural identity, economy and community. But the road to citizenship is not easy, and arriving in Alaska is only half the battle.

Restorative Justice: Past and Present | Alaska Insight

The word justice may signal a thought of punishment for a crime. But restorative justice tries to correct behavior by repairing the harm and rebuilding relationships to bring the offender back into good standing in their community.

Jesuits Investigation in Alaska | Alaska Insight

The Catholic church has been reckoning with the systematic cover-up of sexual abuse among clergy members as victims began coming forward in the last decade. An investigative piece published by the program Reveal from the Center of Investigative Reporting last year found that, for decades, Jesuit priests abused hundreds in Alaska Native villages.

LISTEN: How restorative justice helps rebuild and repair connections to community

Restorative justice tries to correct behavior by repairing harm, rebuilding relationships, and bringing the offender back into good standing in their community. Does it work to reduce crime and recidivism?

New Approaches to End Suicide in Alaska | Alaska Insight

The Alaska Suicide Prevention Council says 90% of people who die by suicide have depression or another treatable mental illness. Long winters, isolation and limited mental health services contribute to the problem, but many organizations across Alaska are working to lower the rates by talking about the issue.
nome catholic church

LISTEN: A reporter charted the harm caused by abusive priests in Alaska, a survivor lived through it

The legacy of sexual abuse perpetrated by Jesuit priests against Alaskans in rural villages has haunted families and communities for decades. An investigative series tracked some of the worst offenders from Alaska to a retirement compound outside of the state.
community health and affordable energy alaska insight

Community health and affordable energy | Alaska Insight

The high cost of energy and internet in rural Alaska means many residents spend as much as 50% of their income on power and broadband. These utilities are essential for engaging in modern commerce, education, telemedicine and for economic development initiatives.

How Alaskans are working to address and prevent suicide

Affordable energy and access to high-speed broadband is essential for engaging in modern commerce, education, telemedicine and for economic development initiatives. How is the rural energy infrastructure need being addressed?

BP Exits Alaska | Alaska Insight

BP has been a part of Alaska’s oil industry for 60 years. Recent news of BP selling all Alaska assets to Hilcorp means the end of an era on the North Slope.

How does affordable energy and broadband affect community health?

Affordable energy and access to high-speed broadband is essential for engaging in modern commerce, education, telemedicine and for economic development initiatives. How is the rural energy infrastructure need being addressed?

Lawlessness in Rural Alaska | Alaska Insight

With many Alaska communities only accessible by boat or air, ensuring public safety is a complicated problem that is only getting worse. What can be done to better protect all Alaskan, both on and off the road system?
The BP Building in Anchorage.

After 60 years at the forefront of oil in Prudhoe Bay, BP exits Alaska

From the early days of oil exploration and discovery, BP has been a major contributor to the Alaska economy. What does BP's departure from Alaska mean for our economy?

‘In Oceans Deep’ explores the mysteries beneath the waves

Scientist and explorer Bill Streever discusses his new book, a chronicle of some of the world's subsea mysteries.

Many Alaska villages have no local police. How do we keep them safe?

The Anchorage Daily News reports 1 in 3 Alaska villages lacks adequate law enforcement. We'll discuss how to ensure the safety of all Alaskans, both on and off the road system on the next Talk of Alaska.

Arctic dinosaurs and ancient ecosystems

Dr Anthony Fiorillo has spent more than two decades searching remote areas in Alaska for evidence of dinosaurs that once roamed the state. Find out more about his work and what ancient ecosystems can teach us about our future on the next Talk of Alaska.
molly of denali

The work of eradicating stereotypes

All cultures need a correct reflection of who they are in media. There has been progress, such as the new PBS kids program Molly of Denali, but a lot of work remains. We'll discuss the good, the bad and the 'still needs to be changed' on the next Talk of Alaska.
YKHC consists of a regional hospital in Bethel. Photo Courtesy of YKHC.

Rural public health

Access to health care in rural Alaska can be a challenge. How will reductions in medicaid and other funds affect health in rural communities?
Wildfire flames flare high above a forest.

The burn season

With extreme heat and dry conditions, wildfires are burning across the state. What's the outlook for the rest of the summer and what should we all do to help reduce the risk of causing a fire or losing property to one?

The future of the UA system

Governor Mike Dunleavy's vetoes cut 41 percent of the state's contribution to the University of Alaska system budget.. How will UA handle the deep cuts to programs, staff and students? And could UA could lose national accreditation?

LISTEN: How do we improve law enforcement in rural Alaska?

Rural Alaska communities suffer some of the highest rates of violence and lawlessness in the country. Recently AG Barr visited southwest Alaska communities and pledged millions in emergency funds to begin addressing the problem. We'll ask what else is needed on the next Talk of Alaska.