Liz Ruskin, Alaska Public Media

Liz Ruskin, Alaska Public Media
Liz Ruskin is the Washington, D.C., correspondent at Alaska Public Media. Reach her at Read more about Liz here.
A sign for Anchorage Ppolic on a rainy day

Defund the police? Murkowski says no. But she says they don’t need bayonets.

Sen. Murkowski is against defunding police, but she wouldn’t mind disarming them of weapons of war.

Alaska’s economy is headed for an ‘income cliff’ at end of July

Economists say $600 weekly payments to the unemployed are greasing the gears of the local economy. Those payments are set to end in less than a month.
A beige building with long windows and three front doors

Court rules Native corporations can receive CARES Act money intended for tribes

A U.S. District Court judge has ruled that Alaska Native corporations are eligible for part of the $8 billion intended to help tribes respond to the coronavirus pandemic.

Alaska Native vets from the Vietnam War era may lay claim to 160 acres

The Bureau of Land Management is trying to reach some 2,200 Alaska Native veterans to let them know they can lay claim to 160 acres apiece.

Got symptoms? In Anchorage, you can now get a COVID drive-thru test without a note from your doctor.

“At this time, we don't have any concern" about demand outstripping supplies, says city Health Department Director Natasha Pineda.

State employees urge passage of another big coronavirus relief bill

The federal bill ASEA wants includes hazard pay for essential workers, and money for state and local governments

Murkowski praises DACA decision and revisits her controversial vote on impeachment witnesses

Sen. Murkowski cheered the continued protection for undocumented people brought to the U.S. as children.

Anchorage Police chief says his department is committed to ‘dignity and respect’

Chief Justin Doll says APD officers are taught to intervene if a colleague is out of bounds, and to report fellow officers for any misconduct they witness.

Developers of proposed Pebble Mine offer dividends to everyone in Bristol Bay, hotbed of mine opposition

Register now, the company says, and payments will begin with construction. "Shameless" says one leading opponent.
A bunch of signs on a garden

Your questions about traveling through Canada, answered

We’ve had several questions from listeners about whether they can cross the Canadian border to go to or from Alaska. Alaska Public Media’s Liz Ruskin looked into it and has a few answers.

Interior Department appointee violated ethics pledge, IG finds

The Inspector General's report doesn’t include names, but it appears to be about Steve Wackowski, the top Alaska advisor at Interior.
The Coast Guard vessel Healy is considered a medium icebreaker. Photo: USCG.

Trump advances icebreaker plan

President Trump is calling on his administration to get a fleet of new icebreakers on the water by 2029.

How can Alaskans go back to the office, and what’s lost if we don’t?

Can the corner office-dwellers let their masks down if the cubicle workers can't? Doing office in the coronavirus age raises so many questions.

As case counts rise, Anchorage mayor calls for renewed ‘personal responsibility’ to keep city safe

The virus is spreading within the community, with one cluster of 12 cases centered on a single household.
July 24, 2018 in Washington, DC

Trump vows to campaign for any Murkowski challenger with ‘a pulse’ after she echoes general’s denouncement

Alaska's senior U.S. senator today endorsed a blistering denouncement of President Trump, praised political courage and yet suggested she might still support Trump.

Another judge tosses land swap for King Cove road

A U.S. District Court judge has again thrown out a land exchange intended to allow a road for King Cove through the Izembek National Wildlife Refuge.

Alaska’s congressman missed votes last week. He could’ve voted remotely but he doesn’t believe in it.

Rep. Don Young missed all six votes in the House last week. He could've voted by proxy, but he's suing to stop the practice.

In showdown with Army Corps of Engineers over Pebble Mine, EPA blinks

The U.S. EPA has backed down from a confrontation with the Army Corps of Engineers over the proposed Pebble Mine

New fiber-optic line connects Alaska to Lower 48 by land

MTA has completed building Alaska’s first fiber-optic connection to the Lower 48 that does not involve an undersea cable.