Lack of skilled health care providers and a lack of access to medication is the everyday experience of those in developing nations. Midwives for Haiti is a non-profit organization training locals to be skilled birth attendants in rural Haiti.
There are many ways to help. I have decided to teach. Teaching means I leave behind the ability for others to provide care, teach, and continue to improve healthcare into the future.
I am also going beyond teaching and making a documentary film about my experiences to inspire others. It is the goal of this film to raise awareness and encourage support for Midwives for Haiti through finding donors and volunteers who are inspired by what they see. I have an amazingly talented team of filmmakers who are eager towork with me on this story. Together we have the knowledge, skill, passion and experience to show the dire need for better birth and maternal child health in Haiti.
I will be making this documentary with help from AFF Studios and their partnership with Out North Contemporary Art House, a 501c non-profit.
– Jennifer Hoadley, Co-Director/Producer
The Alaska Film Forum is a non-profit organization dedicated to building Alaska’s film community and encouraging independent filmmaking through exhibition, education, and production. We are a resident of Out North Theatre’s Art House program. Events like Open Projector Night provide a fun, non-competitive environment in which filmmakers can meet, enjoy each other's work, and network with each other.