Tuesday, June 28 at 2:00 pm and 7:00 pm
Independence Day is just around the corner and so we’re bringing you a very red, white and blue episode of Kids These Days! We’re asking: what does the American Kid look like? How much health care does she receive, how often is he graduating from high school, with how many parents does she live and do those parents work, and on which side of the poverty level does he live? Researchers from the Annie E. Casey Foundation’s Kids Count project join us to discuss the latest data that points towards the well-being of children nationwide… and statewide.
PLUS, we’ll take a look at how kids are marketed to by advertisers – especially little girls and the “pretty princess phenomenon”; and we find out how schools in the United States stack up against other countries – for that we’ll check in with the Brookings Institution’s Brown Center on Education Policy.
Be sure to tune in next week for this all new, 100% Made in the USA episode of Kids These Days!
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