Tag: fitness
Outdoor activity and the human brain
KSKA: Thursday, January 18, at 2 & 8 p.m. On the next Outdoor Explorer, we’re talking about a key part of the body for your outdoor explorations, the brain. I’m Charles Wohlforth. New research shows that being active can make you smarter, growing parts of the brain, and keep your brain healthy as you age. But we’re also going to talk about brain injuries. We’re learning the serious impact they can have on every aspect of life and how important it is to protect your head when you are doing outdoor sports.
Exercise Performance
Monday on Line One: Your Health Connection we'll have two guests in the studio from the UAA Human Performance Lab to take your questions. Join us as host Dr. Woodard and guests discuss the importance of staying active for health, how to get started, and advice for those who are trying to reach peak performance.
KSKA: Monday 10/8 at 2:00 pm and 7:00 pm
Keeping Alaska Fit
Monday, August 29 at 2:00 pm and 7:00 pm
Ginny Grupp of AlaskaFit Boot Camps joins host Dr. Thad Woodard on Line One this week to her best selling book, 3 Steps To Your Best Body in Record Time. Does the darkness or cold of winter impact your ability to stay healthy? Get some tips from Ginny.