Tag: endangered
Bill Would Help Preserve Alaska Native Languages
The Alaska Senate State Affairs committee heard testimony Tuesday on Senator Donny Olson’s bill to create an Alaska Native Language Preservation and Advisory Council. Annette Evans Smith, the President of the Alaska Native Heritage Center, says the time for action on keeping languages alive is now.
The Endangered Belugas of Cook Inlet
Dr. Leslie Cornick from Alaska Pacific University studies beluga communication, diet, and travel patterns to report on the health of the Cook Inlet beluga population. She shared new information from recent studies at the Alaska Zoo's Wildlife Wednesday lecture series on December 14.
KSKA: Thursday 1/26 at 2:00 pm and 7:00 pm
Judge Upholds Fishing Restrictions In Western Aleutians
A federal judge has upheld the National Marine Fisheries Service’s decision to restrict fishing in the Western Aleutians in order to protect an endangered stock of marine mammals.
Government Seeks Delay on Seal Status Decision
The federal government is seeking a six-month delay for deciding whether two seals that depend on sea ice should be listed as a threatened species because of climate warming.
State Appealing Federal Protection for Polar Bears
The state of Alaska is appealing a federal ruling that upholds a 2008 decision to give polar bears federal protection under the Endangered Species Act.
Officials Search for Cost of Endangered Species Act Listings
State officials are also soliciting proposals for an analysis of the economic costs of Endangered Species Act listings.
Group Seeks Wolf Endangered Species Listing
Conservation groups filed a petition with the federal government Wednesday to protect the Alexander Archipelago wolf under the Endangered Species Act.