Photo Gallery: Kuspuk Making

Lucy Brown, Agnes Baptiste, and Rosa Luhrs talk to 7th grade Yup'ik students about making kuspuks. More photos.

49 Voices: Chelan Schreifels looks back while on international rotation

This week, we're talking with Chelan Schreifels, a civil engineer for the Army Corp of Engineers. She's currently on rotation in Japan, and that job has given her a unique perspective on her home state. Download Audio

Night Music: December 17, 2011

Here’s the music playlist for Night Music with Connie G. All tracks played are listed below in the following format: Song Title Artist Name Album Title Label Duration Ding Dong!...

In My Family: “Sit Down”

This week on “In My Family,” Annette teaches teaches Raven how to say “sit down,” in Yup’ik.

Alaska News Nightly: Wednesday, July 24, 2019

IBU strike shuts down Alaska ferries; State house approves bill to reverse vetoes; It's back: Interior signs new land swap for King Cove road; Anchorage declares a civil emergency over looming cuts; Kenai murder suspect has prior violent crime convictions; Wildfires in Alaska have burned more than 2 million acres; Igiugig's hydropower launch a major step toward independence from diesel; Anchorage raises age to buy tobacco products to 21; Juneau Assembly approves local on-site marijuana consumption; Juneau moves forward with annexation proposal; Western Alaskans concerned about Graphite One project’s impact on subsistence;

RUNNING: State House, Anchorage, District 20

Max Gruenberg (D) and Scott Kohlhaas (L) are running for State House in district 20 in the primary election on...

Hometown, Alaska: Public Transportation

The Deepwater Horizon disaster in the Gulf of Mexico is sharpening the public focus on energy efficient living. The use of  public transportation is...

Checkmate: Predictions on Russia’s manuevering & the U.S. response

Captain Gary (Yuri) Tabach was born in Moscow, USSR and lived there until 1976 when his family immigrated to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Upon graduation from Temple University School of Pharmacy in 1985, he was commissioned an Ensign in the U.S. Navy. Captain Tabach holds the distinction of being the first Soviet-born citizen to be commissioned an officer in the Armed Forces of the United States. LISTEN NOW

Our First Alaskan Christmas

It could perhaps be described as a minimalist Christmas, that Christmas of 1948. Our household goods were stashed in Seattle with many other boxes and crates and barrels headed for the Last Frontier. Good foresight that Mother didn’t ship her houseplants. Read more.

Alaska News Nightly: March 14, 2014

Ahtna Proposes New Game Management Plan; VPSOs Prepare For Possibility Of Being Armed; Senate Education Moves Governor's Education Bill; Legislature Rejects Pay Raises For Top Officials; Geoduck Dive Fishery Opens; Market Found; Juneau School Board Unmoved By Travel Ban Task Force, Public Testimony; AK: Machine Shop; 300 Villages: Hoonah Download Audio

Winter food security

A lot of Americans would welcome a forecast for a mild winter, but in Alaska a lack of snow and ice can mean hardship for those in rural communities who depend on cold for traveling and hunting. What happens when the land of ice and snow isn't so frosty? APRN: Tuesday, 11/24 at 10:00am Download Audio

Something Different: June 3, 2012

Here’s the Sunday, June 3, 2012 edition of Something Different with Betsy. All tracks played are listed below in the following format: Song Title Artist Name Album...

Swearing-In Ceremonies tonight at 8 PM on KSKA

Governor Sean Parnell and Lieutenant Governor-elect Mead Treadwell will be sworn into office today (Monday) in the Capital City. The ceremony begins at 11:30 a.m....

Alaska News Nightly: May 25, 2010

Individual news stories are posted in the Alaska News category and you can subscribe to APRN’s news feeds via email, podcast and RSS. Download Audio...

LISTEN: These undocumented Alaskans came to the U.S. as children. What happens next?

What's it like to live in Alaska as a member of the DACA generation? Meet local business owner Deicy Camarena and mother and legal services worker H.J Kim. Thanks for listening!

Iditapod: Nicolas Petit leads mushers to the Yukon

In Episode 8, we talk about Nicolas Petit being the first to the Yukon, Martin Buser's recovery from last year's injury, Yukon Quest v. Iditarod, and veteran dog teams.

LISTEN: There’s a lot on the table during the next legislative session. State government reporters break down what to look out for.

Next Tuesday, legislators return to Juneau to start the 2020 session. Will the Dunleavy administration and state lawmakers find common ground on how to pay for state services and a permanent fund dividend without draining the Constitutional Budget Reserve?

Winnie-The-Pooh Comes to the Alaska Fine Arts Academy in Eagle River

A. A. Milne's endearing and enduring characters Kanga, Eeyore, Piglet and Rabbit among others come to life in the Alaska Fine Arts Academy's production of Kristin Sergel's stage adaptation of Winnie-the-Pooh. AFAA's Executive Director Holly Linsay along with Co-Director Holly Tarkov and actor Chris Cox come on Stage Talk this week to let Jean and Steve in on all the fun. Winnie-the-Pooh opens in Eagle River on July 11th and runs through the 26th. KSKA: Friday, June 27, at 2:45 p.m. Listen now:

Alaska News Nightly: Friday, Feb. 9, 2018

Walker picks Mat-Su Assembly member Kowalke for state Senate; More layoffs announced at Prudhoe Bay; Ben Anderson-Agimuk resigns from legislative position; Alaska sends a record-breaking number of athletes to the Olympics; International “range states” meet to discuss polar bear conservation; Iditarod mushers demand board president resignation, don't get it; As Yukon Quest enters second half, two more racers drop out; AK: UAA's Earthquake '64 brings historic disaster to the stage; 49 Voices: Hannah Dorough of Anchorage Listen now

Traveling Music: November 28, 2010

Here’s the music playlist from the November 28, 2010 edition of Traveling Music with Shonti Elder. All...