Alaska News Nightly: September 9, 2011

Air Traffic Controller Talks About Korean Airliner Incident on 9-11 , Grounded Vessel Refloated And All Safe, No Damage, Volunteers Hope to ID Most At Risk Homeless, Beringia Celebration Kicks Off in Nome, ANSCA at 40 Panel Meeting at UAA, AK: Despite Recent Troubles, Daycare Remains Strong, 300 Villages: Wales and Metlakatla

Alaska News Nightly: September 12, 2011

Pebble Mine Battle Extends to Lower 48, Fuel Spilled After Vessel Loses Power, Drifts into Channel Rocks, Second Controller Speaks About Korean Airliner Incident on 9/11, Committee Considers Issues Raised By Recent Court Cases, Destination of Nearly Complete Ferry Remains Unclear, Kenai Peninsula Borough School District Enrollment Lower Than Expected , Section of Kensington Mine Remains Closed After Accident, Mining Company Finds Promising Deposits Near Tok, La Nina Likely to Persist into Winter

Alaska News Nightly: September 13, 2011

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Alaska News Nightly: September 14, 2011

Native Organization Seeks Supreme Court Review on Contract Payment Disputes, Walruses Hauling Out Near Point Lay Again, Fort Wainwright Expresses Condolences For Soldiers Killed, Injured in Afghanistan, Over 90,000 Alaskans Seek Assistance from Food Pantries, Metlakatla Fisheries Certified as Sustainable, Exploratory Drilling Underway to Map Out Gold at Herbert Glacier, ‘Climate Change Reality Project’ Heading to Kotzebue, Family Embarking on Odyssey Across Malaspina Glacier

Alaska News Nightly: September 15, 2011

Alaska Has Fastest Growing Senior Population in US, Senate Receives Update on State Employee Retirement System, Arctic Ice Melts to Second Lowest Recorded Level, Klukwan, Inc. Closes Haines Office, Murkowski, Parnell Among Those to Discuss Plan for State’s Minerals, Proposed Halibut Catch Sharing Plan Causing Rift Between Commercial, Charter Industries, Text Giving Program Comes to Anchorage, Over $118 Million Will Be Given to American Indian, Alaska Native Tribes, Organizations

Alaska News Nightly: September 16, 2011

Virginia Court Rules Against Kivalina in Favor of Insurance Company, UAF Receives Large Gift From Mining Company for Endowment, Fort Wainwright Soldier Killed in Afghanistan, Nelchina Subsistence Caribou Hunt Closing to Taking of Cows, Two Arrested in Beating of Homeless Man, Volunteers Survey Anchorage’s Homeless , ‘Forgone Harvest’ Addressed During Fisheries Symposium, MSHA Updates Kensington Accident Report, AK: Cordova Fungus Festival, 300 Villages: Chatanika and Glennallen

Alaska News Nightly: September 20, 2011

Governor Announces PFD Amount. Probe of Arctic Slope Native Corporation 8a Contract Requested by McCaskill. ACLU Wins Property Tax Case. Fairbanks Voters Consider Air Quality Ballot Proposition. State Wants Court to Force Ferry Builder to Replace Engines. Alaska Ship and Drydock Wins Ferry Contract. Cleveland Volcano Lava Dome Growing. NOAA Seeks Fisheries Histories from Alaska. Homer Looks for Homer Look Alike.

Alaska News Nightly: September 21, 2011

Individual news stories are posted in the Alaska News category and you can subscribe to APRN’s news feeds via email, podcast and RSS. Download Audio...

Alaska News Nightly: September 22, 2011

Former AEWC Executive Charged With Embezzlement, Subsistence Bowhead Whale Quota Under Review, Public Comment Period for ANWR Plan Extended to November, Army Reports Second Stryker Death This Week, Six Groups Under Consideration for Designing, Managing of Knik Arm Bridge, Freshwater Seals Subject of Study Outlined at Fisheries Symposium, Petersburg and Wrangell Considered for New Mill Site, Memorial Service, Potlach Held to Honor Athabascan Elder

Alaska News Nightly: September 23, 2011

Congress Unable to Agree on Short Term Spending Bill, Waivers Available for No Child Left Behind Act, Bypass Mail Targeted in US House Legislation, Crews Work to Clean Up Petersburg After High Winds, Heavy Rain, Rural Alaska Native Children Face Higher Rate of Dental Decay, AK: Whittier – A Hidden Gem, 300 Villages: Denali National Park

Alaska News Nightly: September 26, 2011

Former Crew Members Attempted to Turn in Fuglvog, Upgrades Could Enable Pipeline to Safely Operate Below 500,000 Barrel Capacity, Natural Gas One Step Closer to Anchor Point, Alaska Airlines Execs Field Suggestions from Bethel Residents, Owner: Theft of Gear More Than a Minor Crime

Alaska News Nightly: September 27, 2011

LaHood Discusses State’s Transportation Challenges, Special Committee Working to Find Long-Term Fiscal Stability for State, Judge Rules on Land, Water Permits Issue, Troopers Investigate Wanton Waste Near Sitka, Voters Electing Nearly Entire Bethel City Council, Drilling Rig Breaks Down, Blocks Road While in Transit, National Indian Health Board Convention Underway, Mental Health Trust Reworking Land Exchange, Satellite Lifts Off From Kodiak Launch Complex

Alaska News Nightly: September 28, 2011

Trident Seafoods Paying $2.5 Million in Fines for Clean Water Act Violations, Legislative Agency Warns of Risk to State’s Credit Status, Denali Commission Returns $15 Million to Government, Sailor Attempting to Circle the Americas, Race for Kenai Peninsula Borough Mayor Crowded, Fire Island Wind Project, Chugach Electric Agreement Facing Tough Opposition, Fairbanks Borough Schools Working to Resolve Budget Challenges,

Alaska News Nightly: September 29, 2011

Groups Suing to Stop Shell’s Plan to Drill in the Beaufort Sea, 150 Gallons of Oil Spill in Unalaska, Officials Celebrate Groundbreaking of Tanana River Bridge, Rep. Young Introduces Bill Rolling Back Regulations from Past 20 Years, Federal Agency Says Halibut Catch Sharing Plan Needs More Input, Accountability Office Says IHS Program Flawed, iPhone App Sheds Light on Yup’ik Language, SE Votes on Plastic Bags, Hydro, Alcohol Tax, Kake Apartment for Elderly Receives Money to Improve Energy Efficiency, Rescued Seal Pup Returns to Wrangell

Alaska News Nightly: September 30, 2011

Trial Begins for Men Accused of Torturing, Killing Hooper Bay Man, Coast Guard Intercepts Vessel Suspected of Illegal Drift Netting, Rare Earth Meeting Draws Large Crowd, Mat-Su Elections Take Place October 4, Alaska Delegation Asks for Eielson Fines to be Dropped, NANA Announces Shareholder Dividend, Tlingit, Haida Get Federal Funds to Expand Tribal Court, Road, Line Work Starts at Reynolds Creek Hydroproject, AK: Music Education, 300: Whittier and Koyukuk

Alaska News Nightly: October 10, 2011

Lt. Governor Receives Petition to Revive Coastal Management Program, NOAA Scientists Investigating Killer Whale Deaths, ‘Super Committee’ Proceedings Remain A Mystery, Nome Man Arrested in Woman’s Death, Searchers Find Missing Boater’s Body, Over 200 'Occupy Anchorage', Newtok Residents Steadily Relocating to Mertarvik, Two Wounded, Two Dead in Anchorage Shooting, New Ferry Service Gets Federal Loan

Alaska News Nightly: October 11, 2011

Division of Elections Rejects Johansen Recall Application, Report Faults UAF in Musk Oxen Deaths, Former EyakTek Employee Accused of Bribery, Money Laundering Appears in Court, NSB Mayor Race Heading for Runoff Election, Wales Man Gets Jail Time for Child’s Truancy, RCA Approves Purchase Agreement Between Chugach Electric. Fire Island Wind, Geothermal Energy Interest Grows in Alaska, Fairbanks Hatchery May Go into Operation in December, Car Crashes into Anchorage House, Sled Dogs Prepare for New Season

Alaska News Nightly: October 12, 2011

Magistrate Issues Wilde Decision, Both Sides React to Wilde Decision, Dead Killed Whale Found to be Pregnant, North Slope Communities Land Three Whales, Mental Health Trust, Forest Service Look to Land Swap, Mental Health Trust Offering 11,000 Acres in Mat-Su for Exploration, Development, New Airline Offering Service in Southwest Alaska, Redistricting Plan Approved by Justice Department, State Names Jim Pickett Firefighter of the Year, Japanese Sailor Wintering in Kodiak Harbor

Alaska News Nightly: October 13, 2011

Kott to Plead Guilty to Bribery, North Slope Ringed Seals Develop Mysterious Illness, Proposed Bill Would Expand Denali KidCare Program, Army Investigating Death of Ft. Wainwright-Based Soldier, Alaska Native, American Indian Leaders Organized Priorities, Search Continues for Missing Fairbanks Man, Juneau Woman Wins Ultramarathon Bike Race, Speed Skater Training in Fairbanks Despite Lack of Venue

Alaska News Nightly: October 14, 2011

Sealaska Defaults on Part of California Casino Land, Debate Continues Over State Retirement Plan Options, Thousands of PFDs Sent Out in Error, NOAA Scientists Finish Killer Whale Necropsies, ADF&G Issues Warning About Unsafe Hunting in Juneau, AK: Problem Bears, 300 Villages: McCarthy and Goodnews Bay