Top Stories

News stories, radio and TV episodes that warrant one of six spots on our homepage. The homepage is in chronological order of publication date, so stories are moved off the homepage as more are categorized “top stories.”

BP to plead guilty for North Slope malfeasance

BP today agreed to plead guilty to violations of the federal Clean Water Act and pay $20 million in fines and restitution related to...

Rick Smith testifies at Kohring trial

Federal prosecutors brought one of their main witnesses to the stand today to testify against former state representative Vic Kohring. Rick Smith explained what...

AFN 2007 – Day One

The 2007 Alaska Federation of Natives Conference opened today in Fairbanks. APRN's Lori Townsend and Nellie Moore discuss the day's events. Lori Townsend, APRN -...

Secret video and audio evidence presented to Kohring jury

Day three of the corruption trial of former state representative Vic Kohring has come to a close. And today, the jury got a look...

Senate President dismisses Allen/Kohring election connection

U.S. Attorney Joseph Bottini yesterday said he intends to show the federal jury that former VECO chairman Bill Allen's influence over former legislator Vic...

U.N. 'Law of the Sea' treaty threatened by U.S. Senate Republicans

Some conservative U.S. Senate Republicans -- including at least three party leaders -- are threatening once again to hold up the United Nations Convention...

Kohring trial begins

Today, federal prosecutors told a jury how they plan to prove that former state representative Vic Kohring took bribes from VECO Incorporated CEO Bill...

State House searches for oil tax solution

The Minority and Majorities in the State House of Representatives today opened talks on an alternative tax plan that might get enough support to...

Alaska natives talk oil in DC

Alaska Natives worried about oil development on and off the North Slope are in Washington, DC this week to voice their concerns to lawmakers...

AIX ordered to shut down

The Nuclear Regulatory Commission has ordered Anchorage-based Alaska Industrial X-Ray (AIX) to cease its radiography operations. The company performs on-site structural x-rays with a...

Linehan convicted; faces 20 to 99 years

A former stripper who remade her self as a doctor's wife was convicted of first-degree murder today in the decade-old death of her one-time...

Kohring jury selection underway

Day one of the federal corruption trial of former lawmaker Vic Kohring has come to an end. David Shurtleff, APRN - Anchorage

Will special session end in a definitive oil tax vote?

Legislators are not yet in agreement over whether to end the special session on oil taxes by coming to some sort of definitive decision...

Iceland's geothermal experience may translate to Alaska

Iceland’s president was in Alaska this week to share the story of how his country has harnessed the earth’s steam and water for power...

GCI buys UU in YK

GCI is buying United Utilities, Inc. and all of their subsidiary companies, such as Unicom and United KUC. GCI is the largest telecommunications company...

Expert presents oil tax recommendations to Alaska — again

The legislature is getting ready to gavel in it’s special session to deal with Governor Palin’s proposed rewrite of the oil and gas taxes...

Kohring's attack on evidence dismissed

A federal court judge has ruled that the government will be able to use evidence against Vic Kohring that was collected when they raided...

Toshiba taking Galena nuclear plant design to NRC next week

A public meeting next Tuesday should answer some questions about how long it might take, and how much it might cost, to put a...

Kohring headed for trial on Monday

Former lawmaker Vic Kohring was back in court this morning. It was the final conference between the defense and prosecution before his corruption trial...

Alaska Guard soldiers back in the U.S.; almost home

A welcome home ceremony for Alaska Army National Guard soldiers in the 297th infantry was held this morning at Camp Shelby, Mississippi. The group...