
All news stories, regardless of topic (local, statewide + national news stories, as well as Talk of Alaska, Alaska News Nightly, Alaska Insight, Alaska Economic Report). Some news stories may also have other categories marked, which will also put them on a subpage. Not all news stories will fall into a subpage.

Millennium Passengers Call 911, Worried About ‘Riot’

The Celebrity cruise ship Millennium returned to Ketchikan Sunday night after mechanical problems. Police responded to the ship late Tuesday night following reports of unruly passengers. Listen Now

Man Suspected of Shooting at Police Arrested

A 31-year-old man suspected of shooting at an Anchorage police officer has been arrested. James John Nick was arrested on a warrant this morning.

Military Approves Expanded Alaska Training

formal record of decision Tuesday on changes to the Joint Pacific Alaska Range Complex, or “J-PARC”. Listen Now

UAF Takes New Suicide Prevention Approach

The University of Alaska Fairbanks is taking a new approach to helping students struggling with depression and other mental health problems that can lead to suicide. U.A.F. Associate Director of Counseling Tony Rousmaniere says a $5,000 grant from the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention will pay for an on line outreach program. Listen for Full Story

Resolution May Establish Two Dog Training Areas in Effort to Mitigate Trapping Conflicts

A resolution to mitigate conflict between dog owners and trappers could pass easily during tonight’s Regular Borough Assembly meeting. The item is on the consent agenda and unless an assembly member disagrees, two new areas will be established for dog training within the borough. Listen Now

Juneau-Raised Rope Jumper Attempts 3 World Records

Peter Nestler has been hooked on jumping rope since second grade, when he saw an exhibition at Glacier Valley Elementary School. In third grade, he joined the Juneau Jumpers. By the time he finished high school, he had helped his team win seven world championships. Listen Now

Wrangell in the Picture for Nat Geo Traveler

Wrangell will soon be featured in National Geographic Traveler Magazine. KSTK’s Shady Grove Oliver caught up with the photographer working on the article yesterday and sent back this report. Listen for Full Story

Frugal Fun At The Alaska State Fair

alaska-state-fair The end of summer in Alaska can mean two things, back to school and The Alaska State Fair! While the fair isn't known for being especially cheap, you can get the most bang for your buck by checking out our tips. Read more.

State Eyes Arkansas Plan As Model For Medicaid Expansion

Does Arkansas have a health care solution that would work in Alaska? The state’s Health and Social Services Commissioner, Bill Streur, is looking into that. Arkansas wants to use federal Medicaid expansion money under the Affordable Care Act to enroll people in private plans on its health insurance exchange. Listen Now

Coast Guard Plans Arctic Spill Test

The Coast Guard icebreaker Healy is on its annual mission in the ice pack north of Barrow.  Next month a group of technology specialists will come aboard with drones and submersibles to test arctic oil spill response capabilities. Listen Now

Inuit Circumpolar Council Meets In Kotzebue

The Inuit Circumpolar Council met in Kotzebue last week. It was the first meeting there since a general assembly in 1986. Members from Russia, Greenland and Canada joined their Alaskan counterparts to discuss ongoing concerns for indigenous people in the north. Listen Now

Anchorage Police Search For Man Who Shot At Officer

A man fired several shots at an Anchorage police officer today, but the officer was not hit. Police spokeswoman Jennifer Castro says the suspect fled on foot, and police have set up a perimeter in the midtown area to search for the man.

State Lawmakers Grapple with Education Funding and Student Performance

Over the past ten years, state education funding has more than doubled while student enrollment has stayed about the same. Still, educational outcomes haven't seen dramatic improvement. Listen for Full Story

Flood Threat Minimal With Heavy Rain

Communities that were hit by last fall's floods do not need to start heading for high ground, yet. Rivers are rising in the Mat-Su and Anchorage, but major flooding is not expected right now. Listen for Full Story

Matsu Ferry Could Be Dry-Docked

The Matanuska Susitna Borough is working on a plan to dry-dock the ferry Susitna in Cook Inlet. But the move would cost the borough more than one million dollars. Listen Now

Public Invited to Comment on New Ferry Design

The Alaska Marine Highway System Manager says the first of two day boats will be sailing Lynn Canal even before the summer of 2016. Captain John Falvey and other state transportation officials are holding meetings on the new ferry design this week. Listen Now

Glacier Bay Lodge Saved

Glacier Bay Lodge will stay open, at least for another 2 years. Several weeks of negotiations between National Park Service and the current concessionaires ended yesterday. Listen Now

New Alaska National Forest Posters Highlights Fish and Wildlife

posters-small-2013 The Chugach and Tongass National Forests have released two new posters in their series, "More Than a Place to Visit—It’s Where We Live." The new 16x32 inch posters are available for free at your local Forest Service office. Learn more.

Oil Prices Surge As Alaskans Stockpile for Winter

Global unrest is forcing oil prices to rise just as rural Alaskans are purchasing heating oil for the coming winter. Listen Now

State Considering New Abortion Regulations

This spring, state legislators considered a controversial bill that would define what counts as a "medically necessary" abortion for the purpose of Medicaid reimbursement. Now, the Alaska Department of Health and Social Services is considering regulations tackling the same issue. The proposed rule would require doctors to get specific on why they think the state state should cover the procedure. Listen Now