zz Alaska's Energy Desk


Murkowski’s message at AFN? “Climate change is real.”

Delegates passed a resolution asking the federal government to make climate impacts in rural villages eligible for disaster relief, and Sen. Lisa Murkowski told the convention, "Climate change is real." Listen now

Investigation shows BP Alaska reckoning with multiple accidents and leaks

BP isn't disputing that the incidents took place. The company has already taken extreme steps to address the issue. Listen now

State appeals controversial ballot initiative decision to Supreme Court

State lawyers want the Supreme Court to reverse the lower court's decision to allow the Stand for Salmon ballot initiative to move forward. Listen now

On Alaska day, lawmakers and staff met on oil and gas taxes

The meeting was public -- sort of. It wasn't easily accessible. There was no way to call in. The legislative information office, or LIO, was closed for the state holiday. So the meeting wasn't streamed like others are during the legislative session.

Newtok says state agency blocked access to disaster funding

The money Newtok was counting on will likely go to Butte and Sutton, in the Mat-Su Borough, instead. Listen now

King Cove and feds exploring options to build road without Congressional approval

With the Trump administration, King Cove is looking into new options to make their dream of a road to Cold Bay a reality. But environmental groups argue the road would harm wildlife in the Izembek Refuge and any plan should require public input and Congressional approval. Listen now

Ask a Climatologist: La Nina could make winter feel like winter in Alaska

La Nina typically brings cooler and drier conditions to Alaska. And because of global warming, that may mean a more typical winter for much of the state. Listen now

Walker cabinet member to oversee EPA’s Northwest office

The agency confirmed that Chris Hladick will become the regional administrator overseeing EPA's work in Alaska, Idaho, Oregon and Washington. Listen now

State corporation sets December deadline to find customers for Alaska’s gas

Lawmakers peppered Dave Cruz and other members of the AGDC's executive board with questions about project finances, employee turnover and how much money the state expects to make on its share of the project. Listen now

In Iliamna, EPA hears mixed reactions to its new course on Pebble Mine

Unlike the hearing the day before in Dillingham -- where public input was unanimously against the proposed Pebble Mine and EPA’s new course -- the reaction in Iliamna was more mixed. Listen now

Environmental group to sue Trump administration over Pacific walrus

The U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service declined to grant protections for the Pacific walrus. Now the Trump administration may have to answer in court. Listen now

As Trump administration removes federal roadblocks, Pebble Mine fight shifts to state

Now that the Trump administration has removed a major roadblock, Alaskans can expect a lot more action at the state level. Listen now

Industry, environmental groups speak out as Hilcorp paves the way for drilling in federal Arctic waters

The oil and gas company Hilcorp wants to build a gravel island in shallow waters in the Beaufort Sea, east of Prudhoe Bay. Listen now

Judge overrules state, says salmon initiative can go forward

A controversial ballot initiative intended to protect salmon habitat has cleared a major hurdle, setting up what could be an intense political fight. Listen now

Climate change roundtable puts Alaska contradictions on full display

Representatives from the oil and gas and mining industries joined environmentalists and local community leaders to spitball solutions. Listen now

Are Pacific walruses adapting to warming? Feds say no need for more protections

"If the Fish & Wildlife Service had protected the Pacific walrus from threats of climate change, the Trump administration would have to admit that climate change is real," Shaye Wolf with the Center for Biological Diversity said. Listen now

Walker doubles down on opposing Pebble Mine

Tomorrow, Pebble Limited Partnership CEO Tom Collier is expected to publicly outline a plan for the proposed Pebble Mine project for the first time. But in an interview today, Governor Bill Walker said he's against the controversial mine. Listen now

Judge weighs whether ballot initiative favors salmon over mining, oil

At a hearing Tuesday in Anchorage, the key question was this: does the ballot initiative give the state enough wiggle room to consider projects like the proposed Pebble Mine or Susitna Dam even if they impact salmon streams? Listen now

Ask a Climatologist: How the jet stream affects Alaska

In Alaska, big fall storms are often associated with the jet stream. Listen now

How much could electric vehicles put the brakes on Alaska’s oil economy?

As more people move away from gasoline powered cars, the big players in the oil industry have started to pay attention -- and that includes Alaska. Listen now