zz Alaska's Energy Desk


In China, Alaska gets new gasline partners — but no guarantees

The deal links Alaska’s gas pipeline project to three Chinese entities with deep pockets. Listen now

Alongside Trump in China, Alaska gets a new deal on its LNG

State will explore marketing, financing and investment with China for the $45 billion mega-project.

Ask a Climatologist: New satellite will improve forecasts, inform policy

"There's always something new and fascinating that you've never see before when there's a new generation satellite that's launched." Listen now

State Economist says global spike in oil prices not likely to affect price forecast

In Alaska, North Slope crude rose to more than $63 a barrel by Monday. Listen now

Geology gets political as federal scientists pursue new ANWR oil assessment

David Houseknecht works for the U.S. Geological Survey, and he's trying to figure out two key questions: How much oil is in the Arctic Refuge, and where is it? The answers could decide ANWR's fate, no matter how the politics play out. Listen now

Major climate report warns of rapid change, potential tipping points

One climate scientist says the report can be summarized in one sentence: "Climate is changing, humans are responsible, the risks are real, and the window of time to fix this thing is narrowing fast." Listen now

Ocean acidification threatens Bering Sea crabs. But can they adapt?

Researchers warn that populations of red king crab in the Bering Sea could collapse by the end of the century. But it's possible the crabs might be able to evolve -- and adapt to the changing oceans. Listen now

Gov. Walker, Meyer headed to China with Trump

Walker wouldn’t say if he planned to announce any deals with potential partners for Alaska’s $45 billion LNG project. Listen now

Papua New Guinea company to take over big North Slope oil play

Denver-based Armstrong Energy is selling off a significant chunk of its stake in the Nanushuk oil play to Oil Search, a company based in Papua New Guinea. Oil Search announced Wednesday that it will take over as operator next June. Listen now

Gov. Walker announces new climate change task force

The 15-person "Climate Action for Alaska Leadership Team" will be chaired by Lt. Gov. Byron Mallott, and will propose a climate change action plan. Those recommendations are due by September 2018. Listen now

One Arctic species is listed, one isn’t. Did politics play a role?

Two of the Arctic’s most iconic animals, polar bears and walrus, face challenges with retreating sea ice. But they haven't been granted the same federal protections. Listen now

After BP leak report, state calls for review of all North Slope wells

The emergency order comes after BP blamed an April oil and gas spill on a piece of a flawed well design and melting permafrost. Listen now

Young Alaskans sue the state, demanding action on climate change

The plaintiffs argue that by encouraging oil development and permitting projects that emit greenhouse gases, Alaska is actively making climate change worse – and violating their constitutional rights. Listen now

Eighty tons of contested Bristol Bay salmon trashed in Anchorage landfill

Even after a disastrous season where the F/V Akutan ended up disabled, the crew was hopeful the fish could be saved and they would get paid. That didn't happen. Listen now

In Unalaska, the F/V Akutan is everyone’s problem… but nobody’s responsibility

After strong winds pushed the F/V Akutan close to shore, the Coast Guard decided that it was time to remove all fuel and hazardous materials from the custom processor. Much to the City of Unalaska's dismay, there is no indication the Akutan will be moving any time soon. Listen now

BP likely to plug thirteen at-risk wells after April accident

BP thinks the accident was caused by thawing permafrost deep below the surface, which put uneven stress on the well. Eventually, the well gave out, rising several feet out of the ground and colliding with the top of the building over the well. Listen now

Oil production is up, and DNR expects it to keep climbing

Production was up about 3 million barrels, and the state is predicting that it’s going to be up next year too. Listen now
A map showing where the national petroleum reserve in Alaska is.

Trump administration offers more NPR-A land for oil leasing than ever before

The Bureau of Land Management announced all 900 tracts set aside for leasing will be up for bid. That compares to just 145 tracts offered last year. It's the largest lease sale ever in the National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska. Listen now

Congress could decide fate of Tongass plan to move away from old-growth timber

Conservationists and timber industry groups thought the Forest Service’s decision was finalized last year. But now Congress has a chance to weigh in. Listen now

Ask a Climatologist: First snows accumulate around the state, about on time

The first snow of the season is a great marker for the start of winter. Most of the state is more or less on track with their normal first snow date. Listen now