
ll news stories about the Iditarod or mushing in general are categorized “Iditarod.”

Petit First Out of Taknota, Heads Iditarod Field

Nicolas Petit took the Iditarod lead Tuesday evening when he was the first to dart out of Taknota about 8:35 p.m. He spent just a few minutes in Taknota and headed towards Ophir.

Iditarod Leaders Leave Nikolai

The Iditarod race leaders left the checkpoint of Nikolai around mid day today. Sonny Lindner, Hugh Neff, Aliy Zirkle and Nicolas Petit pulled out of Nikolai within an hour of each other. But five mushers, including DeeDee Jonrowe and Jake Berkowitz scratched today, because of broken equipment that was damaged on the extremely rough trail out of Rainy Pass. Download Audio

Two Race Veterans Scratch In Rohn

DeeDee Jonrowe and Linwood Fielder, both of Willow, scratched this morning at the Rohn checkpoint at 6:00 a.m. and 6:21 a.m., respectively, both citing problems in Dalzell Gorge.

Fast Trail Forces Mushers To Ride The Brakes

Iditarod mushers are working hard to hold back teams on what has been an icy, hard packed trail. A snowless, rocky stretch of trail through a burn will slow them down, but most mushers are riding their brakes.

Buser Reaches Nikolai, Keeps Iditarod Lead

Martin Buser maintained his lead in the 2014 Iditarod reaching Nikolai early Tuesday morning several hours ahead of Nicolas Petit. Buser reached the checkpoint about 1:09 a.m. Petit followed at 5:36 a.m. The leaders were followed by Aliy Zirkle, Sonny Lindner and Hugh Neff. All three were out of Rohn Monday night. Dallas Seavey, who won the race in 2012, had jumped into 7th place, two spots ahead of his father, Mitch, who won last year.

Buser Regains Iditarod Lead, First Out of Rohn

Martin Buser retook the lead in the 2014 Iditarod, leaving Rohn about 1:45 Monday afternoon. Kelly Maixner was the first musher into Rohn, checking in at 11:26 a.m. Buser was being chased by Aliy Zirkle, who finished second in 2013 and 2012. She left Rohn about 5:22 Monday evening. Right behind her was Sonny Lindner. Hugh Neff and Jeff King trailed Lindner.

Kelly Maixner Leads Mushers Into Rohn

Kelly Maixner is the first musher into Rohn, checking in at 11:26 Monday morning. He took the lead from fellow Big Lake musher Martin Buser at Rainy Pass earlier Monday.

Norwegian Contingent Prepared For For Iditarod Challenge

Teams are making their way into Rainy Pass as they head trough the Alaska Range. It’s arguably the toughest stretch of trail. Many say they’re ready for the challenge, including a contingent of Norwegians who are in Alaska to find out how their dog teams fare on this side of the world.

Buser Takes Early Iditarod Lead

Martin Buser took an early lead in this year's Iditarod. The former Iditarod champion was the first into Rainy Pass about 5:42 Monday morning. Nicolas Petit was into Rainy Pass about an hour later.

Race Leaders Approach Finger Lake

Martin Buser leads the pack as he approaches the Finger Lake checkpoint. Buser holds a few mile lead over fellow Big Lake musher, Kelly Maixner.

Iditarod Veterans Anticipating Rough Trail Conditions

The 42nd annual Iditarod Trail Sled Dog race is underway. Dog teams left Willow Sunday. They’re making their way toward the Alaska Range, where the trail is reportedly extremely rough.

Ceremonial Start Kicks Off 42nd Iditarod

On Saturday, mushers lined out their dog teams in downtown Anchorage for the Ceremonial Start of the race. This year's race includes six former champions and at least 20 mushers vying for a top-10 finish.

We Are An Iditarod Checkpoint Oasis

Winterlake Lodge on Finger Lake is an official Iditarod Trail checkpoint, 153 miles down the trail from Anchorage. The Dixon family owns and operates the lodge, hosting mushers, their dogs and paying guests alike.

Iditarod to Start in Willow, Not Fairbanks

The Iditarod Sled Dog race will start from Willow as planned. The Iditarod Trail Committee has been weighing moving the race start to Fairbanks in the last week because of low snow and icy conditions on the 65 miles of trail between Willow and Skwentna.

The ‘Kiwi Musher’ is a Rookie, But He’s No Stranger to Mushing

The Yukon Quest has once again proven itself as one of the toughest races in the Far North. Of the 18 mushers who signed up for this year’s race, only eleven may finish. The race has claimed rookies, and seasoned veterans alike, but there are still a handful of teams plugging along toward the finish line outside of Whitehorse. KUAC’s Emily Schwing caught up with the “Kiwi Musher” and has this profile. Listen Now

Iditarod Considers Starting In Fairbanks

The Iditarod Trail Committee is considering moving the restart of the race from Willow to Fairbanks. Saturday's statement says that the ceremonial start will take place on March 1st in Anchorage as planned, and that the current plan is to have the restart, where the competitive part of the race truly begins, in Willow the next day. But there are concerns about trail conditions between Rainy Pass and Nikolai. If the trail isn't acceptable by the beginning of next week, the restart will be moved to Fairbanks on March 3rd.

Allen Moore Wins 2014 Yukon Quest

Allen Moore has won the Yukon Quest International Sled dog Race for the second consecutive year.  Moore’s team is known for its petite stature, perky ears and wagging tails and they didn’t disappoint.  They jumped in harness and yelped after arriving at Takhini Hot Springs 30 miles outside of Whitehorse. Listen Now

Race Marshall Calls Dog Death One Of The Worst Tragedies In Iditarod History

The Iditarod Race Marshall is calling the death of a dropped dog in Unalakleet this year one of the worst tragedies in the race’s history. The Iditarod Trail committee has since launched an investigation into what happened. They’re working with the dog’s owner to develop better dog care standards for the future. Download Audio

Iditarod Officials Release Results Of Investigation Into Unalakleet Dog Death

On March 15, volunteers with the Iditarod Trail Committee discovered a five-year-old husky had been buried and asphyxiated by drifting snow in Unalakleet. Wednesday, ITC released the results of an investigation into the death. Download Audio

Sled Dog Death in Unalakleet will be Investigated

An Iditarod Sled Dog described as "otherwise healthy" has died in Unalakleet. Race Marshal Mark Nordman said in a news release that the 5-year-old male dog named Dorado was from 38-year-old Fairbanks rookie musher Paige Drobny's team.