zz Alaska's Energy Desk


Is Alaska’s climate risk, a credit risk?

State investment officer says the areas most affected by climate change don't affect the state's ability to pay its bills. Listen now

Clock approaches midnight for Congress to renew this oil industry tax

As the New Year approaches, time is ticking down for Congress to renew an excise tax collected on domestic barrels of oil. The money goes into a government trust used for oil spill cleanup and prevention. Listen now

Unique payment plan for companies who owe TAPS settlement money

A new state law allows those companies to pay that debt with tax credits, meaning the state might not see any of that money. At least, not in cash. Listen now

Work starts on oil exploration project in Arctic federal waters

It’s the first oil exploration project to take place in Arctic federal waters since Shell discontinued their efforts in 2015. Listen now

Come 2018, the state plans to dispose of F/V Akutan

The processor was abandoned in September following a disastrous fishing season in Bristol Bay where the ship’s owner went broke, the crew went unpaid, and it’s 158,000 pound haul of salmon was declared unfit for human consumption. Listen now

State approves ExxonMobil’s expansion plan for Point Thomson, ending months-long fight

Gov. Walker approves approves ExxonMobil's plan to explore expansion of the massive Point Thomson gas field. Listen now

Alaska Christmas trees: backyard charm or out-of-state beauty?

This year, the Governor’s Mansion is decorated for the holidays with a Sitka spruce tree from the Tongass National Forest. But Alaskans in the capital city aren’t just decking the halls with local greenery. Listen now

State’s latest water quality report has bad news for popular Kenai River

Each time the state puts out its water quality report, there’s good news and there’s bad news. Listen now

Alaska’s only tribal college will waive tuition for Alaska Native students

The ultimate goal of the waiver program is to encourage more Alaska Native students to finish their associate degrees and go on to get their bachelor’s. Listen now

Oil companies aren’t promising to drill in ANWR…so how interested are they?

Now, everything that was hypothetical is going to get real. One of the big questions that could finally get answered this: what oil companies, if any, are actually interested in drilling in the Refuge? Listen now

Climate task force begins work — and push-back begins, too

Gov. Bill Walker's climate change task force met for the first time Monday. But the team is facing questions before it even begins work. Listen now

Wolves and logging both cut into Prince of Wales deer

This deer season has been the worst in recent memory for a lot of hunters on Prince of Wales Island. Large-scale industrial logging has damaged important winter habitat, and some locals believe a rapidly growing wolf population is also devouring the deer. Listen now

Walker wants to borrow money to pay $900 million in oil tax credits

The tax credits are scheduled to be paid off fully in 2025. Walker and the Department of Revenue are proposing paying them off by 2019 at a discount. Listen now

Permanent Fund Corporation to study ethical and sustainable investing

An Alaska-based coalition wants the Permanent Fund Corporation to drop all of its fossil fuel holdings. Listen now

Conoco hopes to crack open off-limits North Slope land

Beyond its current developments, the ConocoPhillips sees even more opportunity further west. But in that direction lies the off-limits Teshekpuk Lake Special Area.

Credit rating agency sees a ‘clear path,’ as Alaska tries to balance its budget

In less than a year and a half, Alaska went from one of Moody's highest rated states, to one of its lowest. But now, that's changed. Listen now

High temperatures in Utqiaġvik confuse NOAA algorithm

This November in Utqiaġvik was the hottest on record, averaging 17.2°F. It was so warm that NOAA's quality control algorithms flagged the data. Listen now

King Cove closer to goal of 100 percent renewable energy

Funding for renewable energy projects in Alaska has dried up, but that has not stopped the City of King Cove from pursuing green power. Listen now

State’s revenue department predicts slow uptick in oil prices

While the state is forecasted to make more money this year than it did last year, it is still spending more than it makes. Listen now

Scientists warn Arctic “refrigerator” is failing, with global consequences

Still melting – and melting fast. That’s the basic take-away from the federal government’s annual Arctic Report Card. It finds that Arctic ocean temperatures are increasing and sea ice is declining at the fastest rate in at least 1500 years. Listen now