zz Alaska's Energy Desk


Supreme Court says bearded seal still threatened, despite legal battle

The Alaska Oil and Gas Association and the American Petroleum Institute challenged the Endangered Species Act listing decision. Listen now

Governor asks Trump administration for more public meetings on offshore drilling proposal

The Department of Interior is aiming to reverse Obama-era offshore drilling policy, which largely blocked oil development in the Beaufort and Chukchi Seas. Listen now
A town on a cove as seen from above

Interior aims to sign King Cove road deal Monday, official confirms

A top Interior official in Alaska has confirmed that on Monday, the Trump administration plans to sign a deal to build a controversial road through the Izembek National Wildlife Refuge. Listen now

What caused the Blob? Scientists conclude, we did

In 2014, a warm water system — known as the Blob — wreaked havoc in the waters of the Gulf of Alaska. Listen now

State-ordered investigation following BP leak finds no additional problem wells

A state-ordered review of thousands of oil wells on the North Slope is complete, following a multi-day oil and gas at one of BP’s facilities last spring. Listen now
On a cloudy, twilight winter day, an oil platform an be seen rising in the water.

Alaska’s leaders got more than they bargained for from Interior’s offshore drilling proposal

The Trump administration recently proposed a vast expansion of federal waters available for oil development. Many U.S. states were not pleased — states like California, Oregon and Florida don’t want oil development off their coastlines. Alaska is a different story. Alaska’s leaders got what they wanted in the plan — and then some. Now the question is: will Alaska ask the Trump administration to cut back? Listen now
a permanent fund seal in window

Five rules for investment from Alaska’s Permanent Fund Corporation

Alaska’s Permanent Fund Corporation invests billions in private companies and risky startups around the world each year. It’s a relatively new and, so far, successful strategy, but how do they pick the next big winner? Listen now
a sign says "Alaska Permanent Fund Corporation"

$63B and counting: How long can Alaska’s Permanent Fund keep growing so fast?

Right after the last big global financial crisis in 2008, Alaska’s sovereign wealth fund had about $25 billion dollars in it.  And today, Alaska’s Permanent Fund has $63 billion in it. It doubled in size in less than a decade. Listen now

Four decisions in three weeks: How Trump is transforming Alaska

Blink and you might have missed it: In just three weeks, there was a profound shift in the landscape for energy and environmental issues in Alaska. Listen now

Ask a Climatologist: What is polar amplification?

The Arctic is warming twice as fast as the rest of the planet. Brettschneider says it’s a phenomenon called polar amplification. Listen now

Citizens group investigates Cook Inlet’s aging oil infrastructure

A watchdog citizens group is working on a series of reports on Cook Inlet’s oil and gas infrastructure, following several accidents last spring. Listen now

State report details potential health impacts of climate change

How will climate change affect health in Alaska? Dangerous travel conditions could cause more accidents, warmer temperatures could spread new diseases and the topsy-turvy weather could worsen mental health. Those are some conclusions from a new state report released Monday.Listen now
A landscape shot of a coastal community.

King Cove and feds reach deal on controversial road

The city of King Cove has reached a deal with the Trump administration to build a road through the Izembek National Wildlife Refuge, according to the city. Listen now
A yellow rig leaves a harbor under snow-covered mountains

Trump’s offshore drilling plans rattle coastal communities across Alaska

The Trump administration has proposed opening almost all Alaska waters to oil and gas leasing, including areas that have never seen drilling, and it’s raising concerns in Alaska’s coastal communities. Listen now

With new life under Trump administration, fresh Pebble Mine details released

Now that the Trump administration removed a key roadblock, the Pebble Limited Partnership is chugging through the bureaucratic process needed to get approval to build its mine. A federal agency Friday said a permit application Pebble filed in late December is complete. The agency released the application publicly on its website. Listen now

Ask a Climatologist: 2017 was hot around the globe, warm in Alaska

Across the globe, 2017 was the second hottest year on record, just behind 2016, according to a European Union monitoring center. Temperatures in Alaska last year were a bit more moderate. 2017 was the 13th warmest year on record. Listen now

Trump administration proposes vast increase to offshore oil leasing in Alaska

The Trump administration has proposed a vast increase in offshore waters available for oil drilling nationwide. That could mean that more waters off Alaska’s shores will be offered for oil and gas development than ever before. Listen now

Porcupine caribou herd numbers highest in monitoring history

"Currently we don't have any studies specifically looking at what factors are affecting those demographics," said Jason Caikoski, a wildlife biologist with the Alaska Department of Fish and Game. Listen now

North Slope oil production ticked up again in 2017

Alyeska announced that the pipeline's average throughput went up by about 10,000 barrels per day in 2017 compared to 2016, a 1.5 percent increase. Listen now

New analysis out on renewable energy costs in rural Alaska

"It shouldn't be used as a manual but it is a good place to start," lead researcher Erin Whitney said.