Zachariah Hughes, Alaska Public Media

Zachariah Hughes, Alaska Public Media
Zachariah Hughes reports on city & state politics, arts & culture, drugs, and military affairs in Anchorage and South Central Alaska.

@ZachHughesAK About Zachariah

More cops, fewer consultants in Anchorage’s opening budget volley

The administration introduced its 2016 budget, which is $1.8 million less than last year's, but saddled with $11 million less in revenues.

City budget allots added $5M to police, fire

After campaigning to make public safety at top priority, Anchorage Mayor Ethan Berkowitz is putting millions of dollars towards more police officers and fire fighters.\ Download Audio

Anchorage passes LGBT anti-discrimination measure 9 to 2

The ordinance extents protection from discrimination on the basis of gender identity and sexual identity, the first such measure passed in Alaska. Download Audio

Anchorage convenes task force to combat sex trafficking

A new working group in Anchorage is bringing city, state, and federal resources to combat human trafficking across Alaska. Download Audio

Anchorage mayor tackles labor, sex trafficking in Alaska

A new working group in is bringing city, state, and federal resources to combat human trafficking across the state.

State launches task force on human trafficking in Alaska

The Department of Labor approached Mayor Ethan Berkowitz's administration about finding new enforcement strategies for combating state-wide problems with labor and sex trafficking.
Cannabis Plant. (Photo by U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service)

In wave of felony marijuana charges, both sides point at publicity

16 felony charges were filed by the state against three high-profile marijuana businesses operating ahead of finished commercial regulations.

Anchorage anti-discrimination ordinance up for revision

Public testimony is closed on a controversial Anchorage ordinance that could extend legal protections to residents on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity. But the measure's final form isn't yet clear. Download Audio

More than ink: Traditional tattoos roar back in Alaska

Though the custom weas nearly lost, a new generation is using tattoos to reclaim and rebuild a strong native identity in the 21st century. Download Audio

Public testimony closes on city discrimination ordinance

Under discussion is an ordinance that extends legal protections to residents on the basis of sexual orientation and gender expression. Download Audio

Public testimony extended on city discrimination ordinance

Under discussion is an ordinance that extends legal protections to residents on the basis of sexual orientation and gender expression. Download Audio

Prison population swells as inmates spend more time behind bars

Alaska’s prison population is growing. But as the state’s Criminal Justice Commission told legislators during a hearing Tuesday, it’s not because more people are coming in to the system. They’re staying longer. Download Audio

Equal rights law expected to sail through Anchorage Assembly

The ordinance introduced by Assembly Member Bill Evans adds sexual orientation and gender expression as categories under which city residents are protected from discrimination. Download Audio

Equal rights law expected to sail through Anchorage Assembly

The ordinance introduced by Assembly Member Bill Evans adds sexual orientation and gender expression as categories under which city residents are protected from discrimination. Download Audio

Sharp rise in female and pre-trial detentions

The number of Alaskans behind bars continues to rapidly expand. But that growth isn't across the board.

Dept of Ed decision puts school projects on hold, bumps taxes

In an uncommon move, voter-approved bonds in Anchorage and Bristol Bay will not be reimburse by state.

Department of Defense studying economics of drawdown in Anchorage

The BEAR group held its second meeting to look at ways of mitigating negative impacts from loss of thousands of troops.

In historic visit, president dodges Alaska press

In the wake of President Obama's visit, Alaskans are still sorting out the significance of new climate initiatives, cultural recognition, and more. But there's lingering frustration among one particularly vocal group, who found that all the president's messages came from the same place: His staff. Download Audio:

In historic visit, Obama sidesteps Alaska press

During an eventful visit emphasizing climate change, Obama did not take a single question from the press. Download Audio:

Village relocation efforts given ‘significant’ boost by president

Denali Commission tapped to lead state and federal efforts coordinating a widespread review of dozens of communities imperiled by climate change. Download Audio