Zachariah Hughes, Alaska Public Media

Zachariah Hughes, Alaska Public Media
Zachariah Hughes reports on city & state politics, arts & culture, drugs, and military affairs in Anchorage and South Central Alaska.

@ZachHughesAK About Zachariah

Anchorage drivers to see new 10-cent gasoline tax

The Anchorage Assembly voted for a new excise tax on gasoline and diesel fuel, shifting an estimated $14 million annually off property-owners. Listen now

Official says Dallas Seavey sled-dog mistreatment claims are unfounded

An animal welfare official says claims that musher Dallas Seavey mistreats his sled-dogs are unfounded. Listen now

Far ahead of holidays, boxes packed for deployed Alaska troops

With thousands of Alaska-based troops stationed in Afghanistan, organizations are rushing to get everything from board games to beef jerky boxed and sent abroad ASAP. Listen now

Trump’s opioid disaster declaration could expand help to suffering Alaskans

Today, President Donald Trump took a major step in dealing with the opioid epidemic, laying out an ambitious vision of stamping out opioid addiction within a generation while treating those currently suffering. Listen now

Amid doping scandal, a mushing whodunit

On Monday, the Iditarod Trail Committee announced dogs belonging to four-time champion Dallas Seavey tested positive for a banned substance. But Seavey insists he didn't do it, which is fueling a mystery right beside the ballooning controversy. Listen now

Alaska’s congressional delegation addresses AFN on final day of convention

The 51st Alaska Federation of Natives convention wrapped up in Anchorage on Saturday. Delegates passed a number of resolutions and heard from all three members of the state’s congressional delegation. Listen now

Iditarod committee names Dallas Seavey as musher whose sled dogs failed drug test

After weeks of speculation over a top Iditarod contender doping sled-dogs, the race's governing body has announced the name of the musher. Four-time champion Dallas Seavey's team had four dogs that tested positive for the banned substance Tramadol, a pain-reliever, according a release from the Iditarod Trail Committee. Listen now

State Attorney General says all 229 Alaska tribes are sovereign

On the second day of this year’s annual AFN gathering in Anchorage, another significant announcement regarding the relationship between the state and tribes was put forward. Listen now

Day one of AFN sees rousing speeches on fiscal crisis and “Strength in Unity”

On the first full day of the AFN convention, delegates heard an impassioned speech from Lieutenant Governor Byron Mallott focused on the state’s fiscal situation and a keynote address highlighting the convention's theme -- "Strength in Unity." Listen now

Federal, state and Anchorage officials roll out “Alaska Anti-Violent Crime Strategy”

The state’s top law-enforcement officials are rolling out a new initiative aimed at curbing violent crime in Alaska. At its heart is more collaboration between federal, state, and local officials. Listen now

All seven resolutions passed on final day of Elders and Youth conference

Through simple voice votes, delegates at the 2017 Elders and Youth Conference passed all seven of the resolutions brought to the floor. Listen now

“We all walk the same paths”: Elder keynote address highlights generational parallels

Today heard a keynote address from Clare Swan, a Dena’ina Athabascan elder from the Kenaitze tribe on the Kenai Peninsula. Swan’s speech focused on the changes she’s seen in her lifetime, including the effects of commercial pressure on subsistence fishing, and population growth in Southcentral Alaska. Listen now

“What you heard just didn’t represent the truth”: Tony Knowles reflects on Vietnam War

Former Democratic Governor Tony Knowles enlisted in the Army during the mid-60s, just as the war began escalating. Knowles' opinion of the war began to change after he returned to civilian life, and the parallels he sees in today’s conflict in Afghanistan. Listen now

“Part Land, Part Water – Always Native”: 34th Annual Elders and Youth Conference kicks off

The gathering of more than a thousand people from across Alaska takes place just ahead of the Alaska Federation of Natives convention each fall. It aims to promote indigenous identity and share cultural knowledge between generations. Listen now

Pentagon announces changes for immigrants entering the military

The Defense Department announced changes to military recruiting that will make it harder for legal immigrants to enlist and qualify for citizenship. Listen now

Murkowski-Warren letter slams White House’s response to opioid epidemic

The Senate colleagues detailed policy recommendations they want the White House to pursue, starting with a disaster declaration on the opioid crisis. Listen now

On SB91, Anchorage officials want for reforms, not repeal

The Anchorage Assembly debated dueling measures concerning Senate Bill 91, the omnibus crime overhaul signed into law last summer. Listen now

Residents rail against SB91 at rare Anchorage meeting

Amid growing frustration over an uptick in crime, officials in Anchorage are weighing what kind of solutions they want from lawmakers in Juneau. Listen now

Amid expansion, Anchorage Police announce new strategy to fight violent crime

As property and violent crime continue to increase in Anchorage, the city's police department is internally reorganizing to better respond. Listen now

Alaskans among victims of Las Vegas shooting rampage

At least two Alaskans are dead, and another is wounded, after a gunman's rampage at an outdoor concert in Las Vegas. Many other residents were at the event and fled to safety, sending messages back to family overnight and into Monday. Listen now