Zachariah Hughes, Alaska Public Media

Zachariah Hughes, Alaska Public Media
Zachariah Hughes reports on city & state politics, arts & culture, drugs, and military affairs in Anchorage and South Central Alaska.

@ZachHughesAK About Zachariah

ADN report confirms details on hacking effort of Alaska election system

Alaska was among the states targeted by Russian-linked cyber actors ahead of the 2016 elections. The state had previously disclosed that there had been some meddling. But a recent article in the Anchorage Daily News uncovered new details about a second effort targeting the state's election system. Listen now
Methamphetamine. (Photo via

Is meth back in Alaska? Or did it never leave?

Methamphetamine is appearing in the state at greater volumes than ever before, and being used in riskier ways. Listen now

Why are so many fighter pilots leaving the Air Force?

A global demand for pilots is sapping the Air Force of some of its most costly personnel, causing billions of dollars in losses that are expected to get worse. Listen now

Assembly takes up high cost of Anchorage childcare

High costs and limited accessibility spark search by elected officials for potential municipal fixes. Listen now

Strong winds batter Anchorage

The National Weather Service issued a high wind warning for much of the afternoon, in effect until about 7 p.m., with gusts expected to continue into the night. Listen now

Anchorage officials certify vote-by-mail results

About 79,295 ballots were cast, pushing turnout to just over 36 percent, a high figure relative to Anchorage’s normal local election returns. The vote certification upholds preliminary results. Listen now

Ted Stevens International Airport ranked fifth busiest hub for air cargo

Ted Steven International Airport in Anchorage is the fifth busiest hub for air cargo in the world. Listen now

After Prop 1 vote, groups look to Anchorage ahead of midterm elections

Results on Proposition 1 came as a surprise to many, and has implications for the upcoming midterm elections in other states. Listen now

Logan concedes Anchorage mayoral race to Berkowitz as returns come in

Since returns first came in for Anchorage's local elections Tuesday night, more than 20,000 additional ballots have been counted, and the preliminary results appear to be holding. Listen now

Anchorage elections results favor Berkowitz, utility sale, Prop 1 failure

The majority of votes cast in Anchorage’s municipal elections are in. And while some races remain too close to call, a clear picture emerged Tuesday night on most of the candidates and measures. Listen now

Nearly $1M spent on Anchorage “bathroom bill” ahead of vote

Amid a packed slate of propositions and candidates, one particularly controversial measure has drawn the lion's share of campaign money. Listen now

AK: Historic Iditarod, an Alaska ghost town

In 1910, the gold rush boom town of Iditarod was one of the most populous areas in the state. By 1940, the population was one. Today, it's the namesake checkpoint for the Iditarod Sled Dog Race. Listen now
blue sticker that says "I Voted Today!" with big dipper

Reactions mixed as Vote By Mail approaches deadline in Anchorage

So far, the system is not without kinks. But the experiment is proceeding steadily toward its April 3rd deadline.

In Anchorage mayor’s race, divergent stances on same set of topics

The race's two major candidates have put crime and the economy at the center of the election, but disagree on the best policies for the city. Listen now

Man armed with knife dead after Anchorage police say he charged officer

A weekend incident in Anchorage has left a man dead after police say he came at an officer wielding a knife. Listen now

ACLU sues city of Palmer over alleged unlawful immigrant arrest

At the heart of the ACLU complaint in state court is whether or not it was lawful for police to arrest and detain an undocumented Palmer resident without evidence of a criminal offense. Listen now

Dog dies at Koyuk checkpoint

A dog has died at a checkpoint along the Iditarod trail. Listen now

New Norwegian champ, Joar Ulsom wins 2018 Iditarod

The 31-year-old Norwegian is the first musher to disrupt the Seavey dynasty, in a grueling race that has dragged on longer than recent years. Listen now

Ulsom first into White Mountain, 77 miles from the finish

Iditarod musher Joar Ulsom was the first to arrive at the checkpoint in White Mountain this morning, potentially setting him up to be the first into Nome sometime overnight. Listen now

Old guard content to watch new generation of mushers take reins of sport

Currently, the top of the Iditarod leader-board is filled out with younger mushers, most of them in their 20s and 30s — the race’s up-and-comers. Many esteemed members of mushing’s old guard are content to watch a new generation inherit the mantel. Listen now