Wesley Early, Alaska Public Media - Anchorage

Wesley Early, Alaska Public Media - Anchorage
Wesley Early covers Anchorage life and city politics for Alaska Public Media. Reach him at wearly@alaskapublic.org and follow him on X at @wesley_early. Read more about Wesley here.

New proposed LNG project would ship gas from North Slope to Asia on ice-breaking tankers

Qilak LNG plans on shipping gas on ice-breaking tankers from fields in Point Thomson.
A white man inn a black suit speaks on the podium

New judicial order gives northern Alaska tribes more say in criminal sentencing

Northern Alaska Native tribes will have more input in criminal sentencing in their communities, after a judicial order announced at the Alaska Federation of Natives convention Friday in Fairbanks

National Native news outlet Indian Country Today announces Alaska bureau

The online news site is one of the largest news organizations in the country solely dedicated to Native journalists reporting on Indigenous issues.
A Bearded seal rests on ice off coast of Alaska (June 21 2011 John Jansen NOAA’s Alaska Fisheries Science Center)

As Kotzebue experiences one of its warmest years on record, subsistence hunters contend with shrinking ice

With winter subsistence hunts around the corner, changing sea ice could have major effects on how much hunters are able to harvest this season.

UAF study finds Kotzebue Sound fish mercury levels are safe for consumption

When mercury enters the water, it changes chemically and is prone to affect local marine ecosystems.

Utqiagvik voters overwhelmingly reject soda tax

Early results show voters in the city of Utqiagvik rejecting a tax on sugar-sweetened beverages.
A village at the end of a marshs

Kotzebue green-lights second marijuana shop

Owner Justin An hopes to have the store open in two to three months.

2 pilots fined $3,000 for disrupting Pacific walrus haulout near Point Lay

The Marine Mammal Protection Act prohibits killing, harassing and other various actions that would disturb walruses.

Brother of trooper in charge of Northwest Arctic drug crimes banished from Kiana for alleged meth dealing

A tribal council convened on Monday, Sep. 16 to issue a civil exclusion order against 37-year-old Thomas Nay. The action is one of several tools that tribal courts have to keep their communities safe.

NOAA declares unusual mortality event for Arctic ice seals

Since June 2018, NOAA has documented 282 dead seals in the Bering and Chukchi Seas, and close to 300 stranded seals.

Rep. Laddie Shaw selected to fill seat of late Sen. Chris Birch

Less than a year into his freshman term as a Representative, Laddie Shaw has been selected to fill the Senate seat of the late Chris Birch.

There’s tons of plastic polluting the ocean. A UAA professor hopes her book can show kids how to fix it.

There's a lot of plastic in the ocean. As it floats around Arctic waters, it breaks down into tiny particles that get into everything from fish to even sea salt. While, explaining that fact to kids might come off as off-putting or depressing, a professor at UAA has made a new pop-up book to teach kids about marine plastic pollution.

In Alaska, Education Secretary DeVos touts alternative schooling agenda

U.S. Education Secretary Betsy DeVos is in Alaska this week, traveling the state to see how certain communities are using alternatives to traditional K-12 public schooling.

The latest on Southcentral wildfires: Aug. 22, 2019

Calm winds are aiding firefighters as they continue to battle blazes throughout Southcentral.

University of Alaska regents vote to end financial exigency

The vote overturns a declaration that allowed for the expedited elimination of academic programs and firing of faculty, even those with tenure.
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Smoke from Southcentral blazes creating unhealthy air conditions in Anchorage

Smoke from wildfires north and south of Anchorage is creating unhealthy air quality in the city.

Dunleavy halves vetoes to University of Alaska, spreads cuts over three years

The University of Alaska will see a $25 million cut in funding for this budget year, which began on July 1st. The next two years would see cuts of $25 million and $20 million for a total of $70 million.

Dunleavy agrees to fully restore $9M in funding to Head Start, early learning programs

The restoration totals about $9 million and includes $6.8 million to Head Start and $1.2 million to early childhood grants. It's one of several veto reversals the governor has made this week.

Under ‘Save Our State’ banner, more than 25 organizations implore Dunleavy: No more vetoes

A coalition of more than 25 organizations gathered for a press conference Wednesday in Anchorage under the moniker, Save Our State. Their single message for Governor Mike Dunleavy: no more vetoes.