Steve Heimel, APRN Contributor

Steve Heimel, APRN Contributor
sheimel (at) alaskapublic (dot) org  |  907.550.8454 | About Steve

Coexisting with Wildlife

Wildlife managers always give the same advice – let wildlife stay wild. They say do not feed the animals, do not let your pets go after them, and do not allow them to become habituated to humans. But what if the wildlife comes to you? And your pets? Listen now: APRN: Tuesday, August 26, at 10:00 a.m.

Peak Water

The severe conditions in Alaska prompt a lot of ingenuity, and that’s good because we have plenty of challenges – for instance food security and sanitation. But can Alaskan ingenuity deal with both at the same time? That’s the discussion we’ll have with waste-water gardener Mark Nelson, on the next Talk of Alaska. APRN: Tuesday, 8/19 at 10:00am Download Audio

Lieutenant Governor Primary Election

He’s been a prosecutor and a state Senator, and now Hollis French is running for Lieutenant Governor. His opponent, Bob Williams, is campaigning on the issue of education. French on justice and taxation issues. And what else? APRN: Tuesday, 8/8 at 10:00am Download Audio

One Dead After Mountain View Stabbing

Anchorage police report there was an alcohol-related stabbing death in Mountain View on Wednesday night.

Ballot Measure 1

It’s a serious matter for the voters to overturn an action by the state Legislature, but that’s what’s on the Aug. 19 ballot. Should favorable tax terms for the oil and gas industry be given a chance to work toward raising production or should the Legislature be told it gave too much away, at the expense of future revenues? APRN: Tuesday, 8/1 at 10:00am Download Audio

Southwest, Southeast Alaska Face Highest Risks From Ocean Acidification

Coastal communities in Alaska that depend on fisheries were warned Tuesday to prepare for the impacts of ocean acidification. A study from federal agencies says many of the science questions remain unanswered but changes are already happening. Download Audio

Primary Election: Republican U.S. Senate Candidate Joe Miller

It will soon be decision time for Alaska voters on which of three Republican should face incumbent U.S. Senator Mark Begich in November. The statewide public radio forum, Talk of Alaska has offered each of the three an hour-long live opportunity to answer phone calls from public radio listeners statewide. Mead Treadwell and Dan Sullivan have had their turn, and next up is Joe Miller. APRN: Tuesday, 7/29 at 10:00am Download Audio

Scientists in Denali Looking for Dinosaur Remnants

Scientists are back in Denali National Park for another year of Dinosaur hunting. They are taking more measurements on a hillside not far from the park road that contains thousands of tracks laid down in what was an arctic lake bed about 70 million years ago.

The Newly-Named ‘Alaska Dispatch News’

Not very many years ago it was pretty easy to know how the publisher of a newspaper felt about things. All you had to do was look at the editorial page. But when the Anchorage Daily News was acquired by the Alaska Dispatch, it stopped running its own editorials. Now it is changing its name, and the managers of the Alaska Dispatch News will be taking questions from Alaskans across the state. APRN: Tuesday, 7/22 at 10:00am Listen Here

Lieutenant Governor Primary Election: Bob Williams

In Alaska, the Lieutenant Governor has duties beyond backing up the Governor and keeping custody of the State Seal. The Lieutenant Governor oversees the enactment of regulations and the Division of Elections. Two Democrats are vying for that nomination in August, and your chance to get to know them is coming up on “Talk of Alaska.” Bob Williams was Teacher of the Year and now wants to be Lieutenant Governor. APRN: Tuesday, 7/15 at 10:00am Download Audio

Primary Election: Republican U.S. Senate Candidate Dan Sullivan

It will soon be decision time for Alaska voters on which Republican should face incumbent U-S Senator Mark Begich in November. Each candidate has an hour-long live opportunity to answer phone calls from public radio listeners statewide. Mead Treadwell has done it. And now it’s Dan Sullivan’s turn. APRN: Tuesday, 7/8 at 10:00am Download Audio

Primary Election: Republican U.S. Senate Candidate Mead Treadwell

It will soon be decision time for Alaska voters on which Republican should face incumbent U.S. Senator Mark Begich in November. Will it be Joe Miller, Dan Sullivan, or Mead Treadwell? Each candidate will have an hour-long live opportunity to answer phone calls from public radio listeners statewide. Mead Treadwell will go first, on the next Talk of Alaska. APRN: Tuesday, 7/1 at 10:00am Download Audio

Which Is The Best Alaska Book?

Some Alaskans were drawn to come here by a book – for instance “Coming into the Country,” or “Two in the Far North,” or “One Man’s Wilderness.” We’ll be building a list of the Best Alaska Books on the next “Talk of Alaska.” Let us know which is your favorite. APRN: Tuesday, 6/24 at 10:00am Download Audio

Kodiak Fishermen Target A Niche Consumer Market

Small boat fishermen out of Kodiak have found a premium market for their catch, based on the idea of buying local. The jig fishery uses gear as light as ten pounds, and is open to anyone who buys a permit. A number of restaurants are willing to pay more for fish caught that way. Download Audio

Potential PSP Case Reported From Clam Beach Clams

A man reported possible symptoms of Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning after consuming clams gathered near Clam Gulch on the Kenai Peninsula Saturday - one of the few beaches the state monitors.

Local Fishing & Local Markets

If food security can also be job security for fishermen, you could call it a win-win situation. Sustainability labeling is catching on in the U.S. after making a difference for years in European seafood sales. And now even in Alaska, some large customers are making deals with fishermen who promise to fish sustainably. APRN: Tuesday, 6/17 at 10:00am Download Audio

Proposition 1

Alaska’s budget is based on oil taxes, and the Legislature changed the oil tax structure last year to allow the industry more income when prices are high. In August Alaska’s voters are being asked whether they want to repeal that change. APRN: Tuesday, June 1, at 10:00 a.m. Download Audio

Managing Predators

Managing predators is not easy, but it’s harder to manage people. Predator populations are spreading in the Lower 48 states, and farmers are not happy. Meanwhile in Alaska the tourists are arriving, the bears are out and so are the moose calves. APRN: Tuesday, 6/3 at 10:00am Download Audio

Parnell Signs Budgets, Spares Veto Pen

Governor Sean Parnell signed the state operating and capital budgets Wednesday afternoon in downtown Anchorage, beginning with a speech to the Rotary Club, in which he said the Legislature met the spending targets he laid out for it.

Evacuation Order Lifted for Funny River Road Residents

Residents of the Funny River Road community were allowed to start returning to their homes as state fire officials lifted the evacuation order at 9 am this morning. Although all evacuation orders have been suspended at this time, residents were cautioned that there is still an evacuation advisory in place which could result in another evacuation order should conditions change.