Sarah Gonzales

Sarah Gonzales
mail (at) kidsthesedays (dot) org | About Sarah

Springtime & Your Family’s Health

Can you feel it, too? The days are getting lighter, the temps a little warmer and our cabin fevers are starting to break. Next time on KTD we're exploring what effect the springtime change of season has on the bodies and the minds of people of all ages. We'll talk camping, hiking and the outdoors with Babes in the Woods author, Jen Aist; we'll learn about sun and vitamin D from Dr. Matthew Benson and we'll ask: "Is there really a medical explanation behind spring fever?" KSKA: Tuesday, March 20 @ 2pm & 7pm

Raising Spiritual Kids

Youth leaders from Alaska's Jewish, Christian and Muslim communities join us to discuss the value of raising children to have faith in a higher power. We'll explore why some kids will choose to reject their parents' religion, while others will remain devout in the faith of their childhood. Afshan Mohammad, Principal of Al- Noor Academy Sunday Islamic School, Rabbi Michael Oblath from Congregation Beth Shalom, and Mark Zweifel, District Youth Director of the AK Ministry Network are guests. KSKA: Tuesday, 3/13 @ 2pm & 7pm
High school-age children sit at desks appearing to work on an assignment with pends and paper

Standardized Testing

Assessing students' progress means a regular battery of standardized tests, a fact of life in most public schools - so how are Alaskan kids measuring up? We'll look at the history of this kind of testing, the current tests our kids take, and we'll also learn about the new, proposed standards for Alaskan K-12 students that could be implemented this fall if they are adopted. Guests from the Department of Ed and the classroom join us to discuss. KSKA: Tuesday, 3/6 @ 2pm & 7pm

Children & Pharmaceuticals

More and more kids are being prescribed medications. From psychotropic prescriptions to pills for obesity-related diseases, the rate of meds given to kids is increasing at a higher rate than any other age group. Caregivers have questions about this, and about side effects and dosages too, so we'll be exploring all things pharmaceutical next time with our guest, Dr. Shubu Ghosh, an Anchorage-based child psychiatrist. KSKA: Tuesday, 2/28 @ 2p & 7p

Developmental Milestones Ages 0-3

They grow up so fast, don't they? This time on KTD! we're talking about early developmental stages - where should very young children be developmentally at one year, two years, three years? And where can caregivers find help and support if their children aren't meeting those recommended milestones? We'll meet some of the resources available to help caregivers learn how to support their growing little ones with the state's Early Intervention Manager, Erin Kinavey and Dr. Donna Galbreath who's in a new film all about keeping "Babies on Track". KSKA: Tuesday, 2/21 @ 2pm & 7pm

Romance & Sex After Kids

To celebrate Valentine's Day week, Kids These Days! is hosting a discussion about sex and romance after kids. We'll talk with Alaskan relationship and sex therapists, Chris Reynolds and Rebecca Love, about the common issues couples face in the bedroom, and they'll share ideas for moms and dads who want to keep the magic alive. KSKA: Tuesday, 2/14 @ 2p and 7p

Alaska’s Juvenile Justice System

When young people are processed into a justice system, an arrest and a courtdate are only the very beginning of the correctional journey for juvenile offenders - one that hopefully ends with successful rehabilitation. So, how does the juvenile justice system in Alaska work? And what does successful rehabilitation look like? To find out we'll speak with Brian Petrilla, a teen-bankrobber-turned-adult-probation-officer and Rob Wood, the Deputy Director of the Alaska Division of Juvenile Justice. KSKA: Tuesday 2/7 @ 2p and 7p

Work/Family Life Balance

There are only so many hours in the day in which to balance a career, a family, a social life, and all the other obligations that go along with being a well-rounded person - how to juggle it all with grace? And, what happens when there's a new baby or an illness added to this mix? We'll take a look at how employment policies do or don't support working families with our guests... KSKA: Tues 1/31 @ 2pm & 7pm

Starting a Family: Adopting

Continuing our conversation on starting a family, next time on Kids These Days! we'll be talking about adoption. There are many ways to adopt a child - as an infant, through the foster care program, internationally or from right here in Alaska - and those who are considering it have many questions. Joining us to answer these questions are guests from Catholic Social Services of Alaska and the State of Alaska Office of Children Services. KSKA: Tuesday 1/24 @ 2pm and 7pm

Immunizations in Alaska & Around the World

Getting shots is never a kids' favorite activity, but we do it to keep everyone well, right? How do immunizations help the individual and the group stay well, and what are the risks of immunizations? Host Shana Sheehy speaks with Dr. Tom Nighswander, a longtime Alaska doc who also will share his firsthand experience on the impact of vaccination in countries in Africa, and with Laurel Wood, former head of the state's immunization program who now works with the national Immunize Action Coalition.

Learning from Failure

Failure is an essential part of the learning process, and learning how to handle failure appropriately without giving up or freaking out is all part of maturing. How can caregivers help kids to "fail" well? Studies show that kids who are praised for their effort instead of their intelligence are more likely to overcome failures and do better in school and life. The leading international researcher in this field, Dr. Carol Dweck, joins us as well as Dr. Maria Ippolito from UAA. KSKA: Tuesday, 1/10 at 2pm and 8pm

The Family Vacation!

The holiday season for many of us means planning family travel. Are you headed out of town for the holidays with your family? Or will your clan enjoy a "stay-cation" this year? Where do you go and how do you get there safely, affordably and with the least amount of headache while keeping everyone happy? Host Shana Sheehy explores these questions and more with our guests Scott McMurren of Alaska TravelGram and Erin Kirkland of AKontheGo. KSKA: Tuesday, 12/27 @ 2pm and 7pm

The Giving Show

Learning to give starts at a young age. It's the right time of year to think about generosity, compassion and kindness, so next time on KTD we're exploring how we can help our young people to become contributing members of a family and eventually, of their community. The Rev. Beatrice Hitchcock and Prof. Paul Ongtooguk join us to discuss teaching compassion and instiling generosity in kids; and how do different cultures celebrate when children make their first contribution to the community? KSKA: Tuesday, Dec 20 @ 2pm and 7pm

Advertising to Kids

It's almost the holidays and that means toys, presents and shopping in many households. Kids know what they want and they won't hesitate to let you know which toy/gadget/game/thing they absolutely must have this year. So, what exactly informs these desires? Next time on KTD! we’ll learn about how our kids are marketed to and what strategies we can use to help kids be more media savvy. Joel Bakan and Aliza Sherman are guests. KSKA: Tuesday, 12/13 at 2pm and 7pm

Children & Divorce

Divorce is a reality for many families and couples will decide to split for a number of reasons. But no matter the cause, breaking up is hard to do - especially when there are children involved. In this episode we ask: How can parents minimize their child's suffering when mom and dad are also in pain? Is it possible to successfully co-parent once a divorce is final? What are kids really going through when their parents end the marriage? And, how to share time on the holidays? Guests Christina McGhee and Al Levy join. KSKA: Tuesday, 12/6 at 2pm & 7pm

Favorite Featured Stories

In the spirit of getting together with our families this holiday season, talking and sharing stories - we brought our favorite featured stories together for this very special episode. These are the pieces that you listened to the most this year - from Teaching Language in the Lower Kuskokwim to Preventing Abuse Through Storytelling; from Boys Talking About Becoming Men to how Modern Technology Helps Deaf Students - plus, Alaska's talented kids and a sweet idea from Chef KTD that's perfect for holiday family gatherings! KSKA: Tuesday 11/29 at 2pm & 7pm


There's a lot to learn about ending bullying among children. Three school district administrators join us to talk about what programs are currently in place in the schools and where is there room for improvement? They'll share what their respective districts are doing to create a kinder, more compassionate school climate, and we'll learn how Social and Emotional Learning curricula are playing an important part in alleviating the problem. KSKA: Tuesday, 11/22 at 2pm and 7pm

Homeless Youth In Alaska

Half of the population of homeless people in Anchorage are children under the age of 12, and the rate of rural teens coming into urban areas for services is on the rise. Who is helping these kids and what can be done in our state to reduce the number of those without a permenant place to sleep each night? Guests David Mayo-Kiely from the Children in Transition/Homeless program at the Anchorage School District and Lauren Rice from Covenant House Alaska join host Shana Sheehy to discuss. KSKA: Tuesday, 11/15 at 2pm and 7pm.

Family Sleep Issues

Sleep: we need it like the air we breathe - to function, think and stay in the best mental and physical shape possible - but what happens to people of all ages when we don't get enough? We'll speak with the experts about how to maximize the Zzzzz's and we'll learn about the adverse effects of a lack of sleep. Dr. Robert Lada, head of Providence Sleep Center, and Karen McBride a school nurse who's spent years spreading the good sleep message to students are our guests. KSKA: Tuesday, 11/8 at 2pm and 7pm


Siblings have a relationship with one another like no other relationship in life – they are our first playmates and the people we can remain friends with as adults. So next time we're turning the spotlight on the sibling relationship - how’s it changed throughout history, what it means in the present day and why it’s so important through the course of our lives. Our guests are Dr. Ann Jache, a Professor of Sociology at UAA specializing in gerontology and Dr. Dallett Hemphill, Professor of History at Ursinus University and author of Siblings: Brothers and Sisters in American History. Kathleen McCoy guest hosts. KSKA: Tuesday, 11/1 at 2pm and 7pm