Rhonda McBride, KNBA - Anchorage

Rhonda McBride, KNBA - Anchorage
Crystal Worl

A formline salmon Alaska Airlines plane makes its inaugural flight

The Boeing 737, bearing a design by artist Crystal Worl depicting the salmon's life cycle, is named Xáat Kwáani, or Salmon People.
a podium that says AFN on it

2 major tribal groups’ departure from AFN raises questions about its future

Two regional tribal organizations have each cited different reasons for parting company with the Alaska Federation of Natives.
a hat

Former state trooper found dead on hunting trip near Cordova

Troopers say a pilot scheduled to pick up 44-year-old Alex Arduser on Egg Island found his partially submerged body Tuesday.
a Yup'ik spelling bee contestant

Native language spelling bee inspires students to learn 

The Yup’ik spelling bee, held in Anchorage, is still going strong and now incorporates Inupiaq — two Alaska Native languages in a fight for survival.
Wales, Alaska

After the fatal polar bear attack in Wales, a collective approach to healing

Questions still linger about what caused the bear to kill a woman and her baby — but more important for Wales is the question of how to move on.
Elizabeth Kudrin as a child

Elizabeth Kudrin remembered as ‘great survivor’ of World War II

Kudrin, who died just a few days after her 82nd birthday, was among about 40 Attu residents taken to Japan as prisoners during World War II.
Lawrence Lekanoff

Anchorage cold case solved: DNA leads to suspect in 1994 child sexual assault

Lawrence Andrew Lekanoff was indicted last week by an Anchorage grand jury. He is now 52 and was 23 when the assault took place.
Dan Sullivan

Sullivan seeks hearings on lab-leak COVID origin theory

Alaska U.S. Sen. Dan Sullivan said on NBC’s “Meet the Press” that he hopes Democrats will support hearings into the Energy Department’s conclusions.
Lisa Murkowski

Sen. Lisa Murkowski takes Biden administration to task over Chinese spy balloon

"As an Alaskan, I am so angry," Sen. Lisa Murkowski said. "I want to use other words, but I’m not going to.”
Hiland Mountain Correctional Center inmates

‘That is too many’: Alaska’s new corrections commissioner addresses 2022’s 18 inmate deaths

Jen Winkleman gave lawmakers an update Thursday on a year which saw the department's highest number of inmate deaths in 20 years.
a landscape photo, sea ice

Missing Noorvik-bound snowmachiner found dead

Searchers found Thomas Brown's body about 10.5 miles from Kotzebue, near Cape Blossom. 
a landscape photo, sea ice

1 of 2 missing Noorvik-bound snowmachiners found as search continues

Both the found snowmachiner, Josiah Ballot, and search crews have suffered frostbite amid ongoing efforts to find Thomas Brown.
Anchorage Folk Festival

34th annual Anchorage Folk Festival celebrates return of live performances

The festival, which had scaled down during the COVID-19 pandemic, features Friday, Saturday and Sunday sets this weekend and the next.
Oliver Leavitt

Alaskans remember Oliver Leavitt as an influential leader and whaling captain

Oliver Aveogan Leavitt, who helped turn the Arctic Slope Regional Corp. into Alaska’s largest private company, died Sunday at age 79.
woman at helm of boat

Mary Peltola and the art of Yuuyaraq’ing

Yup'ik Alaskans say Rep. Mary Peltola has embraced a handed-down code of conduct which encourages interconnectedness, balance and respect for others.
Ethel Lund

Ethel Lund remembered as a health care trailblazer for Southeast Alaska Natives

The Alaska Native Sisterhood honored Ethel Aanwoogeex’ Lund as a champion for Native health care at a memorial service in Juneau on Friday, after her death at age 91.

Peltola, politics pack first post-pandemic AFN agenda

When the gathering gets underway Thursday, the Alaska Federation of Natives' annual meeting will return to its role as Alaska's largest convention.
Alaska Native dancers

Elders and Youth Conference returns to in-person gathering

The Elders and Youth Conference is underway in Anchorage, back to what it used to be – a time for young and old to make connections through Alaska Native culture.