Patrick Yack, Alaska Public Media

Patrick Yack, Alaska Public Media

Juneau Losing Jobs in Auto Business

About 40 people have lost their jobs in Juneau and Ketchikan auto dealerships with the sudden closure of Skinner Sales and Service.  An unstaffed Skinner used car store in Sitka also has closed. ...

Iditarod Cutting Prize Money Again

The Iditarod sled dog is cutting prize money again and slashing staff salaries by 20 percent. Race director Stan Hooley says the organization has lost close to one million dollars in funding over...

Coast Guard Eyeing Biomass Heating Projects

The Coast Guard is considering a number of biomass heating projects in Southeast – using wood from local sources as fuel to heat facilities in Sitka and Ketchikan.  The plans have been in...

Alaska News Nightly: December 7, 2009

Individual news stories are posted in the Alaska News category and you can subscribe to APRN’s news feeds via email, podcast and RSS. Download Audio (MP3) Shell Gets MMS OK to Explore in Chukchi Lori Townsend, APRN...

Talk of Alaska: Endangered Species Act and Alaska

The state of Alaska is beefing up its legal team in preparation for lawsuits against the federal government over the Endangered Species Act. The proposed critical habitat for the Cook Inlet beluga whale could spell...

BP Combats Another North Slope Spill

There’s been another spill from a BP pipeline on the North Slope.  The State Department of Environmental Conservation reports that more than 7,000 gallons of oily water was released from a 34-inch pipeline...

Indian Health Care Bill Moves to Senate

The US Senate Indian Affairs Committee approved reauthorizing the Indian Health Care Improvement Act on Thursday, sending the bill to the full Senate for consideration. The bill would permanently continue the Community Health...

Climate Conference Gets Underway Next Week In Copenhagen

Next week the Climate change conference gathering gets under way in Copenhagen. The state of Alaska will send Larry Hartig, the Commissioner for the Department of Environmental Conservation. He was invited to give...

Iditarod Musher Sues to Get Money Back

Iditarod mushers are gearing up for next year's race.  Seventy five dog drivers have signed for the 2010 trek to Nome, each paying an entry fee $4,000.  But one disgruntled Montana musher wants...

Mackey Will Train Jamaican Musher for Iditarod

Dog sledding champ Lance Mackey says training Jamaican musher Newton Marshall will not interfere with his own racing ambitions. A four- time Quest and three-time Iditarod winner, Mackey has his sights high for the...

Mystery Remains in Bering Sea

A key member of the North Pacific and Bering Sea food chain remains a mystery to scientists. Anne Hillman, KUCB – Unalaska Download Audio (MP3)

Talkeetna Bachelors Raise Funds to Combat Domestic Violence

Talkeetna is often known as the little place at the end of the road that knows how to throw a party. This weekend will draw a crowd to the community for the annual...

Future of Butcher Institute Uncertain

The University of Alaska Fairbanks is deemphasizing the Susan Butcher Institute. The institute named for the late dog mushing champion from Fairbanks was introduced in June 2008 to cultivate public service and leadership,...

Ethics Complaint Filed Against Palin

A longtime critic of Sarah Palin has filed an ethics complaint alleging past aides of the former Alaska governor misused state resources during her run as the Republican vice presidential candidate. Andree McLeod filed...

Alaska News Nightly: December 4, 2009

Individual news stories are posted in the Alaska News category and you can subscribe to APRN’s news feeds via email, podcast and RSS. Download Audio (MP3) BP Combats Another North Slope Spill Dan Bross, KUAC – Fairbanks There’s...

Parnell Says State Must Do More to Fight Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault

Calling it a reality that all Alaskans have to face, Governor Parnell (R) on Thursday said Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault are an epidemic that too many people have to face. And he...

Transcanada Announces Plan for Storage Facility in Kenai

Transcanada has announced plans to construct a natural gas storage facility in the city of Kenai.  The company formed Cook Inlet Natural Gas LLC, which has put forward the proposal.  The project would...

Environmental Group Suing EPA to Protect Polar Bear

An environmental group is suing the Environmental Protection Agency over pesticide contamination in the Arctic. The Center for Biological Diversity says pesticides used throughout the US are harming polar bears in the far...

Swine Flu Vaccine Will Now Be Available to More Alaskans

The H1N1 vaccine will now be available, as quantities allow, for all Alaskans who want to be vaccinated. About 170,000 doses of the vaccine have trickled into the state so far, with about...

Sealaska Disbrituting Larger Dividends

Many Tlingit, Haida and Tsimshian elders will get a larger check when Sealaska distributes dividends to its shareholders this week. The regional Native corporation is giving shareholders 65 and older an extra...