Patrick Yack, Alaska Public Media

Patrick Yack, Alaska Public Media

Bligh Reef Tug’s Captain and Second Mate Relieved

The captain and second mate of the tugboat Pathfinder have been relieved of their duties as a result of the tugboat's grounding last week on Bligh Reef in Prince William Sound. The Associated Press Download...

Canadian Gas Pipeline Gets Panel’s OK

A Canadian natural gas pipeline between Alberta and the MacKenzie River delta took a big step forward on Wednesday, when an independent panel appointed by the government to look into the social and...

Mayors Meet on Beluga Habitat

Anchorage Mayor Dan Sullivan met yesterday with the mayors of the Kenai Peninsula and Matanuska-Susitna Boroughs to discuss and plan their responses to the proposed federal designation of Cook Inlet as critical habitat...

Alaska Files Objections to Polar Bear Set Aside

The state administration has filed objections to the proposed federal designation of a more than 200,000-square mile area as polar bear critical habitat.  The proposal is required now that the polar bear is...

Nordic Skiers Compete in Anchorage for Shot at Olympic Team

Nordic skiers from across the nation will compete in Anchorage starting Saturday in the US Cross Country Ski Championships.  The races take on added importance this year, because they'll help athletes qualify for...

Skier to Watch: Anchorage’s James Southam

Anchorage racer James Southam will be one of the skiers to watch at Kincaid next week. Southam is a distance specialist who went to his first Olympics in Italy in 2006 and is...

PFD Applications Go Online January 1

Permanent Fund dividend applications will be available online at midnight. This is the first year PFD booklets will not be mailed to every Alaska household. Rosemarie Alexander, KTOO – Juneau Download Audio (MP3)

Our Blue Moon: Rare and Mystifying

Thursday night is the blue moon, much of the mystery around the blue moon is folklore. Celeste Novak, KDLG – Dillingham Download Audio (MP3)

December Was a Month for the Moon

The double full moon this month is rare, but to top that, Alaskans got to see a partial eclipse of the moon Thursday morning. Travis Rector is an assistant professor of physics and...

New Year Parties Abound

The coming of the New Year ushers in a plethora of parties. Our roving reporter, Bob Babble, was able to finagle his way into a traditional Alaskan celebration. Jeff Brown, KTOO – Juneau Download Audio...

Alaska News Nightly: December 31, 2009

Individual news stories are posted in the Alaska News category and you can subscribe to APRN’s news feeds via email, podcast and RSS. Download Audio (MP3)Bligh Reef Tug’s Captain and Second Mate Relieved The Associated Press The...

Updated Count on Pacific Walrus Posted

The US Fish and Wildlife Service is out with an updated count for Pacific Walrus.  The agency estimates there are a minimum of 129,000 animals in the population, but says the new number...

Report on MacKenzie Valley Gas Plan Due Soon

The Canadian Government is due to release a long-awaited report on the MacKenzie Valley natural gas pipeline plan.  The Joint Review Panel's report is expected to be a very detailed examination of the...

Minimum Wages Goes Up in January

Alaska’s minimum wage goes up 50 cents on New Year’s Day, to $7.75 an hour. This is the second increase since state lawmakers approved the raise in April.  In July, the minimum wage...

Swine Flu Poses Bigger Threat to Alaska Natives

American Indians and Alaska Natives are much more likely to die from the H1N1 flu than other populations. The Centers for Disease Control showed the increased risk in a report earlier this month.  Dr....

Federal Funds Sought for Ketchikan Shipyard

The Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority is hoping to secure $73.5 million in federal stimulus funds for new infrastructure at the Ketchikan shipyard. The Alaska Ship and Dry Dock says the money...

“Healthy Habits” Ends in Southeast

A five-year program to develop healthy habits in Southeast Alaska has come to a conclusion. Steps to a Healthier Southeast Alaska ran from 2004 until just this last week, when the federal grant...

Alaska News Nightly: December 30, 2009

Individual news stories are posted in the Alaska News category and you can subscribe to APRN’s news feeds via email, podcast and RSS. Download Audio (MP3)Updated Count on Pacific Walrus Posted Annie Feidt, APRN – Anchorage The...

Talk of Alaska: Governor Sean Parnell

Photo by Patrick Yack, ARPN - Anchorage Gov. Sean Parnell joins Talk of Alaska host, Steve Heimel, January 5 to kick off a new season of the statewide program. Armed with a new budget that is...

Diesel Almost Emptied from Bligh Reef Tug

Almost all diesel fuel from the undamaged tanks of a tugboat that went aground on Bligh Reef has been removed. Crowley Marine Services spokesman Jim Butler says the tugboat Pathfinder also was relocated Tuesday...