Kristin Spack

Kristin Spack

Night Music: Oct. 16, 2008

Here's the music playlist from the October 16, 2008 edition of Night Music with Kirk Waldhaus.   All tracks played are listed below in the following format: Song Title Album Title Artist Name Label You Got Me Allison Adams Tucker Oasis...

Off Mic: Pledge pitch passion

A devoted KSKA listener and supporter, Deborah Williams gesticulates with excitement when talking to KSKA listeners about the importance of their support during our Fall Membership drive.  The President of Alaska Conservation Solutions, Williams...

AWAC Presents: Nadia Hijab, Institute for Palestine Studies

"Peace is possible. It's necessary and it's urgent," according to Nadia Hijab, senior fellow at the Institute for Palestine Studies in Washington, D.C. Speaking on "Palestinian-Israeli Peace," providing "An Agenda for the next...

The last debate

Uninterrupted coverage of the last debate between presidential candidates Barack Obama and John McCain starts at 5:00 PM on KSKA, followed by NPR analysis. Bob Schieffer hosts tonight's debate at Hofstra University, focusing on...

Off Mic: Radio Lab resurrected

We dug out a "Best of" episode of Radio Lab for your listening pleasure this afternoon at 2:00 PM on KSKA. Community Forum is taking a break for a couple weeks, but it will...

Line One: Breast cancer awareness

Breast cancer author, nurse, and survivor, Lillie Shockney joins Dr. Woodard on Line One this afternoon. Mrs. Shockney is the administrative director at John Hopkins Breast Center as well as a nationally recognized public...

Algo Nuevo: Oct. 12, 2008

Here’s the music playlist from the October12, 2008 edition of Algo Nuevo — Something New.If you have questions, comments or music requests for host Dave Luera, send e-mail to algonuevo kska org...

Something Different: Oct. 12, 2008

Here's the music playlist from the October 12, 2008 edition of Something Different with Betsy. All tracks played are listed below in the following format: Song Title Album Title Artist Name Paradise Lost Storyhill Storyhill Cyrus in the Moonlight Largo Rob Hyman and Cyndi...

Soul to Soul: Oct. 11, 2008

Here's the music playlist from the October 11, 2008 edition of Soul to Soul with Marvel and Sherry Johnson. All tracks played are listed below in the following format: Artist Name Song Title Album Title Commodores Brick House Anthology -...

The Twilight Show: Oct. 11, 2008

Here's the music playlist from the October 11, 2008 edition of The Twilight Show with Todd Glazer. All tracks played are listed below in the following format: Artist Name Song Title Album Title Label Danny Brooks Ain't That The Truth No Easy...

Stage Talk: Evita

Theatre Artists United in association with Alaska Theatre of Youth finishes its run of Evita this weekend at the Sydney Laurence theater in Anchorage. Hear from Bridget Sullivan, the lady playing Evita, and...

AWAC Presents: Turkish Travels, Traumas and Triumphs

Returning from an educator's tour of Turkey, three Anchorage school district teachers and a UAA professor share what they learned abroad and how it will be incorporated into their Anchorage classrooms. Sponsored by the...

Travel group discusses luring visitors during troubled economy

This week over 600 representatives of Alaska's tourism industry have gathered in Anchorage to learn new ways to attract visitors in a shaky economy. Len Anderson, KSKA - Anchorage Download Audio (MP3)

Community Forum: AFN convention 2008

The Alaska Federation of Natives annual convention returns to Anchorage at the end of this month. The politics, arts and entertainment of the AFN convention will be riveting. Join KSKA this afternoon...

Small turnout makes big decisions in Mat-Su election

Few voters turned out for the Matanuska Susitna Borough election yesterday, but those who did helped to make some long-reaching decisions. Ellen Lockyer, APRN - Matanuska Susitna Borough Download Audio (MP3)

Alaska's economic scene better than nation's, but deserves careful watching

According to three senior staff members representing a trio of local financial institutions, the current economic storm is not wreaking the same havoc in Alaska as in the rest of the nation. At...

Mat-Su Voters decide propositions and candidates on Tuesday

Matanuska Valley voters will decide seven ballot propositions when they head to the polls tomorrow for the Matanuska Susitna Borough elections. If approved, many of the ballot measures could pave the way for higher...

Line One: Complimentary and alternative medicine

Today on Line One, Simon Singh, PhD joins Dr. Woodard on the phone from England. Author of Trick or Treatment: Alternative Medicine on Trial, Singh discusses his evaluation of alternative health disciplines. Co-authored with...

Car traps uninvited driver

Recently an Anchorage man achieved a dubious distinction. He was the first to be captured and arrested by APD for trying to steal a "bait car." Actually he was arrested by the...

Algo Nuevo: Oct. 5, 2008

Here’s the music playlist from the October 5, 2008 edition of Algo Nuevo — Something New.If you have questions, comments or music requests for host Dave Luera, send e-mail to algonuevo kska...