Kristopher Peck

Kristopher Peck

Born in 1984. Lifelong Seward resident. In the mid 90's I got my first job as a videographer. My dad George Peck paid me $5 an hour to film him riding his unicycle over all manner of terrain.

My teenage years were spent making skateboard videos with my friends.  Following my in my father's track I also learned how to ride the seatless unicycle called the Ultimate Wheel. A major breakthrough came in 2010 when my short film "Tour de Seward" was selected for the Anchorage International Film Festival.

Colorful Dumpsters of Seward, Alaska

You may have noticed the collection of colorful dumpsters along the waterfront in Seward, Alaska. Each dumpster features inspiring messages and artwork that reflect local culture. They were painted by Susan Swiderski for the City of Seward Parks & Rec Department. Ten years later the dumpsters are showing their age, but still remain a vibrant and welcoming site in the campground areas. Click for larger view.

Whittier by Wheel

Kristopher Peck rides his custom built seatless unicycle across ice and snow in Whittier, Alaska. Filmed in March 2011, this seven minute movie also captures a snapshot in time of a mysterious and isolated rural Alaskan town. Click for more