Evan Erickson, KYUK - Bethel
With thousands of sockeyes passing Bethel each day, dipnets are catching on
Amid severely restricted fishing on the Kuskokwim River, one bright spot has been abundant sockeye salmon runs at 30,000 fish daily near Bethel.
Bethel’s courthouse goes to ‘analog methods’ after internet cable cut
Staff at the Nora Guinn Justice Complex have been trying to find workarounds amid rural Alaska internet service slowed by a damaged subsea cable.
Crooked Creek struggles to rebuild after historic breakup flooding
Last month's 15-mile-long ice jam inundated homes, led to a significant loss of stored food and washed away critical fishing gear.
Bethel remembers the life of renowned aviator Robert Sundown
Sundown, who died unexpectedly at age 53 during an April moose hunt, was with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service for more than 22 years.