AKPM Staff

AKPM Staff

Obesity rates level off in Anchorage schools

More than one third of Anchorage school district students are above a healthy weight. But a new analysis of ten years of height and weight data from the district shows obesity rates have leveled...

Senators Begich and Murkowski differ on Employees Free Choice Act

Alaska Senator Mark Begich is a co-sponsor of the Employees Free Choice Act, introduced in the U.S. Senate by Massachusetts Senator Ted Kennedy. But Senator Lisa Murkowski says the legislation won’t get her support,...

Palin admistration defends Wasilla expenses

Governor Palin's spokesman Bill McCallister told reporters today that media coverage scrutinizing the Governor's per diem expenses for staying in her Wasilla area home has been so relentless that it had to be responded...

Herring stirs heated debate at Alaska Board of Fisheries meeting

Herring may be one of the most heated issues before the Alaska Board of Fisheries, as meetings continue this week in Sitka.  The Sitka Tribe of Alaska has three proposals before the board, one...

Alaska News Nightly: February 23, 2009

Individual news stories are posted in the Alaska News category and you can subscribe to APRN's news feeds via e-mail, podcast and RSS. Download Audio (MP3, 30 min) State prepares for influx of stimulus funds Dave Donaldson,...

Anchorage Mayor attends White House stimulus package meeting

Anchorage Acting Mayor Matt Claman was among dozens of mayors from around the country who met with President Obama today at the White House. They talked about the massive economic stimulus package the President...

Interior Department plans stimulus spending in National Parks, more

Interior Secretary Ken Salazar announced today he's appointing a task force to help make decisions about where to invest more than $3 billion of stimulus money. Libby Casey, APRN - Washington, DC Download Audio (MP3)

Alaska Permanent Fund set to avoid Sudan-related investments

The Trustees of the Permanent Fund yesterday endorsed legislation that would require all financial managers to no longer invest in companies that do business in the Sudan. Sudan has been black-listed by international groups...

Faith group brings food and religious message to rural Alaska

The Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) has announced a federal fuel cost assistance plan for Emmonak. Senator Mark Begich arranged the announcement during his trip yesterday to Bethel. The BIA's Niles Cesar says the...

UAA hosts debate on State of Alaska’s financial support for rural life

Last night at the University of Alaska Anchorage campus a debate and discussion was held on the question: "Should the State of Alaska devote resources to sustain rural villages?" The evening began with a...

No deaths, minor injuries in plane crash near Nome

All six people aboard a Frontier Alaska flight from Brevig Mission to Nome survived a crash landing yesterday evening, thanks to their calm reactions and the hard work of local emergency responders. Paul Korchin, KNOM...

Gatt and Dalton scratch from 2009 Quest

Hans Gatt scratched from the Yukon Quest in Dawson City yesterday, saying he wants to save his dogs for the Iditarod. Fellow veteran racer Dave Dalton also pulled out at Dawson yesterday because his...

Alaska News Nightly: February 20, 2009

Individual news stories are posted in the Alaska News category and you can subscribe to APRN's news feeds via e-mail, podcast and RSS. Download Audio (MP3, 30 min) Anchorage Mayor attends White House stimulus package meeting Libby...

Murkowski speaks to Alaska legislature, issues warnings on Alaska gas development

U.S. Senator Lisa Murkowski today gave her annual report to the state House and Senate -- this year focusing on energy and Alaska's role in helping the rest of the country. Dave Donaldson, APRN -...

Renewable energy projects to get national $40 billion boost

The new Energy Secretary says renewable energy projects will get a major boost from the economic stimulus package. Secretary Steven Chu says they'll also get federal loan guarantees as soon as April or May,...

Palin to deliver food, meet with residents in western Alaska

Governor Sarah Palin is heading to western Alaska tomorrow, to help deliver food to families in Marshall and Russian Mission. The trip is being organized by the faith-based nonprofit Samaritan's Purse. Annie Feidt, APRN -...

Union members press State to bring back old pension plan

Anchorage Representative Harry Crawford whipped up a crowd of state workers on the capitol steps today. They're all members of various unions that represent public employees and teachers. Today's agenda: return the state's pension...

BP reports Prudhoe Bay spill of unknown size

British PetroleumBP has reported a spill of an undetermined amount of gas, oil and water from a flow line at Prudhoe Bay. The spill was detected Wednesday afternoon by an oil field worker making...

Little leads Quest into last 500 miles

Jon Little led the way out of the Dawson checkpoint on the Yukon Quest at 10:51 this morning. He was followed closely by William Kleedehn at 11:06 and Hugh Neff at 11:33. Three other...

Tongass Science Conference explores ecosystem protection amongst logging

Forest scientists are looking at different ways of protecting the Tongass ecosystem while logging continues. Ecologists, biologists and other specialists are comparing notes and debating ideas on the forest's future at this week's Tongass...