Murkowski Campaign Shows Financial Might

Sen. Lisa Murkowski is up for re-election next year, and her fundraising is going strong. Her campaign today reported she raised $700,000 in the first three months of the year. That beats all quarters the last time she ran, in 2010. Campaign coordinator Scott Kendall says more than 100 individual Alaskans contributed. The full report wasn’t available. Murkowski, reached on a busy day at the Senate, said she hadn’t seen the final number, but she says the early stage contributions come largely from Political Action Committees.

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“Much of what we have been doing back here, in Washington, has been PAC dollars, and so I think you’re going to see that show up and be reflected,” she said.

The campaign says Murkowski’s total cash on hand is $1.5 million. She has no challenger yet.

Liz Ruskin is the Washington, D.C., correspondent at Alaska Public Media. Reach her Read more about Lizhere.

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