zz Alaska's Energy Desk


Nowhere to turn, Wrangell e-waste event dumps electronics properly

In Wrangell, recycling isn’t as simple as wheeling a plastic container out to the curb each week. That service doesn’t exist in most communities in Southeast Alaska. Not to mention trying to get rid of large items like old TVs, computers and printers. In order to prevent these items from ending up in a landfill, they need to be sorted by hand and shipped off the island. Listen now

Mulling the possibility of a “managed retreat” from climate change

By the end of the century, researchers predict climate change could displace millions of people across the country, as rising sea levels and erosion hit coastal communities. As policymakers start to grapple with that reality, there’s a specific phrase making the rounds: “managed retreat.” In other words, relocating whole neighborhoods or communities and retreating from the coast. Listen now

Cook Inlet gas leak sparks debate over Hilcorp’s Arctic drilling plans

Last week, Hilcorp was finally able to fix a fuel line in Cook Inlet that regulators say started leaking gas in December. But the oil and gas company and its allies are still struggling to contain another issue: environmental groups, which argue that Hilcorp’s problems in Cook Inlet disqualify the company from drilling for oil in the Arctic Ocean. Listen now

BP well that spewed oil and gas successfully plugged

The Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation today announced yesterday that a leaking oil and gas well on the North Slope was successfully plugged. Listen now

In a rare case of river piracy, climate change is the culprit

Scientists are pointing to climate change as the reason a river that used to feed into the Yukon has nearly disappeared. Listen now

BP halts oil and gas leaking from North Slope well

BP announced Monday morning that an out-of-control release from a North Slope oil and gas production well has been stopped. Listen now

Senate committee grills state over inaccurate oil production forecast

Alaska’s Department of Revenue faced criticism during a Senate Finance Committee meeting on Friday after it put out its spring forecast. It predicts an unprecedented 12 percent drop in oil production next year. Listen now

EPA retiree has advice for Scott Pruitt on his way out the door

For most people, the last day on the job before retiring is a celebration. But Michael Cox capped off his career at the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) with a scathing letter to agency head Scott Pruitt. Listen now

Bill would make it easier to pass on information about contaminated sites in Alaska

From leaking pipelines and polluted aquifers, to broken septic tanks and abandoned military equipment, there are more than 2,200 open cases of contaminated sites in Alaska. A new bill that that is making its way through the state House, would require full disclosure of contamination on the deed of a property before it can be sold. Listen now

BP working to contain well on North Slope

BP is working to contain an out-of-control production well at the Prudhoe Bay oil field on the North Slope. The well is currently venting natural gas and has released at least some crude oil into the environment. Listen now

How many wolves should be on Prince of Wales Island?

The Alexander Archipelago Wolf didn’t go on the endangered species list in 2016, after it was petitioned by six conservation groups. But the feds and the state are looking at ways to stabilize the wolf population on Prince of Wales Island.

Ask a Climatologist: River breakup is all about spring temps

The National Weather Service issued its annual river breakup forecast this week. The forecast calls for a relatively mild breakup arriving about on schedule across Alaska. But what factors determine the timing and severity how it plays out? We put that question to climatologist Brian Brettschneider. Listen now

Unalaska receives surprise visitor from the deep

What has eight arms, two tentacles and washed ashore on a beach in Unalaska Monday night? A more than six-foot long squid. Listen now

Alaska’s congressional delegation sticking by Sea Grant

When President Donald Trump’s blueprint budget came out in March, it included eliminating funding for the Sea Grant program for next year. But Alaska’s congressional delegation doesn’t want it to go away. Listen now

Oil tax credit bill on its way to the Senate, with ultimatum from House

After hours of debate on the state House floor, an oil tax credit bill is on its way to the Senate. Listen now
A swirl in the ocean

Repairs begin on Hilcorp’s leaking Cook Inlet gas line

Dive teams are finally working to repair Hilcorp’s leaking natural gas pipeline in Cook Inlet. Listen now

BP Alaska reports $85 million profit for 2016; no more layoffs planned

In an annual report released on Thursday, BP’s Alaska subsidiary reported a profit of $85 million in 2016. That’s compared to a $172 million loss in Alaska in 2015. Listen now

Ask a Climatologist: Should we be worried about methane hydrates on the sea floor?

What are methane hydrates and what role could they play in global warming? That’s the question a listener posed this week for the segment Ask a Climatologist. Listen now

Scientists agree starvation killed hundreds of puffins, but did PSP play a role?

What caused more than 300 puffins to wash up dead in the Pribilof Islands last fall? Starvation. At least, that’s the consensus among most scientists. Listen now

Climate change hits Alaska’s rural water and sewer systems

For decades, Alaska has struggled to get running water and sewer systems to its rural communities. An estimated 3,000 households — or about 10,000 people — still lack both. Now, that job may be getting harder, as climate change exacerbates old problems and creates new ones. Listen now