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Sunday killing marks 2 dozen Anchorage homicides in 2017
Casey Grove, Alaska Public Media - Anchorage
Anchorage police say the city has had its 24th homicide of the year, after a suspicious death Sunday.
Alaska Mental Health Trust Authority moves to clear Juneau homeless camp
Jacob Resneck. KTOO - Juneau
Residents in a homeless encampment in Juneau are facing a new deadline to vacate a downtown property.
Mental Health Trust leaders resign while organization undergoes special audit
Anne Hillman, Alaska Public Media - Anchorage
In the past month, the three top leaders at the Alaska Mental Health Trust Authority submitted letters of resignation.
New Pebble advisory committee meets indoors, while mine protesters gather outside
Daysha Eaton, Alaska's Energy Desk - Anchorage
On Monday, a new advisory committee on the proposed Pebble Mine met in-person for the first time. It happened while simultaneously a protest against the project was staged in downtown Anchorage.
Feds review annual whaling quotas for Alaska Native hunters
Associated Press
Federal officials are reviewing annual quotas for 11 Alaska Native villages whose subsistence hunters are authorized to harvest bowhead whales.
How oyster milkshakes and teamwork are getting Alaska’s shellfish safely to market
Elizabeth Jenkins, Alaska's Energy Desk - Juneau
There was an uptick in paralytic shellfish poisoning this summer. But scientists think the future of oyster farming in Alaska still looks bright.
Ketchikan floods cause some damage, have fish swimming on roads
Leila Kheiry, KRBD - Ketchikan
It’s rained enough in Ketchikan the past couple of days that fish are swimming across the road.
Scientists look into declining Steller sea lion numbers
Berett Wilber, KUCB - Unalaska
Scientists have finished another research season without solving the 40-year-old mystery -- of the Steller sea lion decline in the Aleutian Islands. But -- this summer, a team from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration may have found a new clue.
Another mine opens close to the Alaska border
Ed Schoenfeld, CoastAlaska - Juneau
A new gold mine has gone into production near British Columbia’s border with Southeast Alaska, one of several prospects under exploration near creeks or rivers that flow into the region.
How could getting rid of for-profit medical insurance save the country money?
Lori Townsend, Alaska Public Media - Anchorage
Congress has so far been unsuccessful in attempts to repeal the Affordable Care Act. There's a lot of debate about how to best contain spiraling health care costs and some Americans say it's time for a national health care plan.