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Man indicted for January Point Woronzof murders
Wesley Early, Alaska Public Media - Anchorage
An Anchorage grand jury has indicted a 21-year-old year old man in a double homicide at Anchorage's Point Woronzof in January of this year.
Lake Clark search-and-recovery for missing plane stalled by ice fog
Dave Bendinger, KDLG - Dillingham
Boat operations have been suspended and aircraft grounded by bad weather with no more signs of a single-engine plane presumed to have crashed in southwest Alaska.
New Fairbanks program looks to speed up international travel
Dan Bross, KUAC - Fairbanks
Interior Alaska residents have easier access to a federal program that expedites international travel. U.S. Customs and Border Patrol has opened a Global Entry Enrollment Office at Fairbanks International Airport.
Anchorage pushing for port, more flexible finances from Legislature
Zachariah Hughes, Alaska Public Media - Anchorage
In a departure from big wish lists of the past, Anchorage Mayor Ethan Berkowitz's legislative request has only one capital budget project. Berkowitz submitted his legislative program to the city's Assembly on Friday. It's a wish-list to state law-makers of things the municipality hopes to see in the upcoming session. The administration's request, also contains a number of law changes designed to give local governments more financial flexibility.
UAA volleyball claims second in NCAA Division II national tournament
Josh Edge, Alaska Public Media - Anchorage
The women's volleyball team from the University of Alaska Anchorage had its best-ever finish over the weekend. The Seawolves claimed second place in the NCAA Division 2 National Tournament.
Where does the soot come from that peppers Juneau Icefield?
Matt Miller, KTOO - Juneau
Scientists this year started sampling the snow and ice above Southeast Alaska’s glaciers for the particles left from over from forest fires, diesel engines and industrial activity. The particles of black carbon can accelerate warming of glaciers and the atmosphere. The big question is: where does this carbon come from?
Beth Kerttula returns to Juneau with message: Time to plan for ocean’s future
Andrew Kitchenman, KTOO - Juneau
Former Juneau state Rep. Beth Kerttula returned to Alaska this summer after two years serving the White House as director of the National Ocean Council.
Funding for new Craig harbor will have to wait
Ed Schoenfeld, CoastAlaska - Juneau
A bill on its way to the president's desk authorizes most of the money needed to build a new boat harbor in Craig. But the funding itself will wait for future congressional action.
Few changes made in final Tongass forest plan decision
Aaron Bolton, KSTK - Wrangell
The Tongass Land Management Plan amendment, a 16-year transition toward young-growth logging, was finalized Friday. Tongass Forest Supervisor Earl Stewart signed the record of decision after considering objections from environmental and industry groups. Some have applauded the decision and others are unsatisfied. But regardless of sides, not much has changed in the Forest Service’s move away from old-growth timber.