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Alaska News Nightly: Monday, May 9, 2016

Unalaskans got to inspect PenAir's new Saab 2000 on Friday. (Photo courtesy of Chrissy Roes)
Unalaskans got to inspect PenAir's new Saab 2000 on Friday. (Photo courtesy of Chrissy Roes)

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New bill seeks to insure families of deceased law enforcement and firefighters

Andrew Kitchenman, KTOO - Juneau

When law enforcement officers and firefighters die in the line of duty, their survivors may be left without health insurance. Three families of state troopers who died in the past three years have been covered under orders issued by Governors Sean Parnell and Bill Walker. But a future administration could change this. The families are looking for a permanent solution that will cover themselves and other survivors in the future.  But there's a debate over how that should happen.

Alaska House approves restrictions on sex ed in schools

Hannah Colton, KDLG - Dillingham

After being voted down three times in the state House, an education bill that puts restrictions on sexual education in Alaska schools was approved by lawmakers.

Walrus hauling out at new Bristol Bay spot north of Ugashik

Dave Bendinger, KDLG - Dillingham

A fairly large number of Pacific Walrus have been spotted hauling out a new spot in Bristol Bay.

Two marine mammal specialists conduct Kodiak’s first whale survey of 2016

Kayla Desroches, KMXT - Kodiak

Last summer, a mass die-off of at least 40 whales under unknown circumstances caused NOAA to declare an “unusual mortality event.”  Many of those whales, the majority of which were fin or humpback whales, were spotted on or around the Kodiak Archipelago.

US will not support ban on international trade of polar bear products

Emily Russell, KNOM - Nome

The United States recently announced it will not support an international ban on the trade of polar bear products at an upcoming meeting on endangered species.

Challenges and joys of crafting a Yu'pik ballot

Anne Hillman, KSKA - Anchorage

The state’s Division of Elections is required to translate ballots and create an elections glossary in six dialects of Yu’pik and also Gwich’in. Those are the terms of a lawsuit settled last year by Lt. Gov. Byron Mallott. That process isn’t easy.

Tarmac meet & greet for Saab 2000

Greta Mart, KUCB - Unalaska

Friday was a day of speeches, fanfare and cockpit tours at the Dutch Harbor Airport. Peninsula Airlines - or PenAir - flew in its new Saab 2000 plane for a tarmac meet-and-greet with the community. At last a bigger, faster plane will be running daily flights to the island halfway through the Aleutian chain.

Fishermen’s Memorial seeks new home

Jennifer Canfield, KTOO - Juneau

More than a hundred people gathered Saturday at the Alaska Commercial Fishermen’s Memorial Saturday for the Blessing of the Fleet and to pay tribute to the people whose names are engraved on the memorial.

Wesley Early covers Anchorage at Alaska Public Media. Reach him at or 907-550-8421.