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Fatal Birchwood plane crash currently under investigation
Ellen Lockyer, KSKA - Anchorage
An early morning plane crash near Anchorage has claimed four lives. The Cessna 172 accident is currently under investigation.
How Murkowski crafted an energy bill that 80 senators have a stake in
Liz Ruskin, APRN - Anchorage
The U.S. Senate is the final resting place for a lot of legislation, but this week it revived Sen. Lisa Murkowski’s energy modernization bill, which had been in a coma since February as senators feuded over what to do about the Flint water crisis. The energy bill’s passage is a political coup for Murkowski.
Legislature works to rewrite bill drawing funds from Power Cost Equalization fund
Andrew Kitchenman, KTOO - Juneau
The state House and Senate are trying to work out their differences over a bill that would draw money from the Power Cost Equalization Endowment Fund.
'Slow motion disaster' threatens state's key port
Zachariah Hughes, KSKA - Anchorage
The Port of Anchorage is literally coming apart, threatening to upend the state's essential supply chain in what officials have called "a slow motion disaster." Every year, millions are spent just combating the rapid corrosion of the Port's basic infrastructure. But without hundreds of millions for major rehabilitation work approved by lawmakers, the nexus point for much of the state's fuel, food, and building supplies is at risk.
Reuniting families with community support
Anne Hillman, KSKA - Anchorage
Many children in foster care will go back to their parents, so maintaining the bond between them is necessary. But sometimes that takes a little community support.
ShoreZone photographers shoot thousands of photos to map changing coasts
Zoe Sobel, KUCB - Unalaska
How many photos do you figure you shoot out the window when you take a trip? 5? 10? 20? How many of you take a picture every three seconds. KUCB’s Zoe Sobel caught up with a helicopter crew of modern mapmakers who shoot 3-5,000 photos a day.
Lawmakers pass bill strengthening Alaska Code of Military Justice
Josh Edge, APRN - Anchorage
House Bill 126 - updating the Alaska Code of Military Justice - has passed the Legislature and is on its way to Governor Bill Walker's desk.