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Oil companies “exploring options” to advance LNG pipeline
Andrew Kitchenman, KTOO/APRN-Juneau
Changes are coming to state plans for the liquefied natural gas pipeline. At a press conference this morning in Anchorage, leaders with ExxonMobile, BP, and ConocoPhillips joined Governor Bill Walker to announce they are “exploring options” to advance the pipeline.
BLM launches abandoned wells initiative
Ellen Lockyer, KSKA-Anchorage
The Bureau of Land Management has launched an ambitious plan to remediate many of the abandoned North Slope wells that are the highest priority hazards.
Murkowski strikes a certain note
Liz Ruskin, APRN-Washington
U.S. Senator Lisa Murkowski returned to Juneau and delivered her annual address this morning to the Alaska Legislature. Murkowski tucked her Senate accomplishments into a speech that was decidedly homey and reassuring.
Governor orders reorganization of commercial fisheries commission
Lisa Phu, KTOO-Juneau
Gov. Bill Walker issued an administrative order Tuesday that transfers many functions of the Commercial Fisheries Entry Commission into the Department of Fish and Game. The governor’s office says the reorganization will save the state more than $1.3 million dollars a year.
Homer police bust pot grower
Quinton Chander, KBBI-Homer
Police took a Homer resident into custody last week for growing a large crop of marijuana with the intent to sell it. The arrest comes just before the state is supposed to introduce its brand new commercial cannabis regulations.
Siberian Huskies enjoy long tradition in Alaska
Zachariah Hughes, KSKA-Anchorage
In competitive mushing, not all sled dogs are created equal. As a breed, Alaskan Huskies dominate the top spots in high profile races. But Siberian Huskies have a long tradition in Alaska. A family in Willow has been running a kennel for Siberians since the 1940's.
Quest mushers battle even after there is a winner
Molly Rettig, KUAC –Fairbanks
Yukon Quest mushers continue to come across the finish line, and competition in is not confined to winning when it comes to the thousand mile sled dog race. There was a battle between two Quest mushers who finished nearly a day behind the winner.