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Greenpeace documents wildlife habitat in Pribilof undersea canyons

Octopus, sponges, and anemone; photo courtesy GreenpeaceA crew aboard the Greenpeace vessel Esperanza has just concluded three weeks in the Bering Sea researching and mapping coral and sponge habitat in two submarine canyons off the Pribilof Islands. John Hocevar is an oceans specialist with Greenpeace. He says the organization has been working for years with fisheries groups trying to protect the habitat in the canyons, but he says the North Pacific Fisheries Management Council has concluded that although the canyons are rare habitats, not enough is known about them to put protections in place.

Coral (sea fans called Plumarella) with rockfish (Pacific Ocean Perch); photo courtesy Greenpeace John Hocevar operating Deep Worker submersible, Zhemchug Canyon; photo courtesy Warshaw/Greenpeace Anemone, sea star, basket star, shrimp, hermit crab; photo courtesy Greepeace

Lori Townsend, APRN - Anchorage