The essential ingredients for dehumanization are fear and hate. Without fear and hate there is no need to build walls to “protect” us from those different than ourselves and there would be no path to genocide or war. On the next Line One, University of New Hampshire Philosophy Professor Dr. Subrena Smith discusses how each of us can work as individuals and as communities to promote unity and connection in this time of fear driven conflict and talks about how to counter the escalating Nationalism we are seeing many of today's so called civilized societies.HOST: Prentiss Pemberton, LCSW
- Dr. Subrena Smith, University of New Hampshire School of Philosophy
- Ten Ways to Fight Hate: A Community Response Guide
- Fighting “Dehumanization” Is Not Good Enough to Fix Twitter
- What Is Dehumanization, Anyway?
- What it Means to Dehumanize
- Parenting Advice for the Trump Era
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LIVE BROADCAST: Wednesday, January 16th, 2018, at 10:00 a.m. AKDTREPEAT BROADCAST: Wednesday, January 16th, 2018, at 8:00 p.m. AKDTLINE ONE’S FAVORITE HEALTH AND SCIENCE LINKS:
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