Midnight Sun Theatre in association with Anchorage Community Theatre presents another show from the repertoire of the always hilarious and sometimes enlightening Reduced Shakespeare Company. This time it's Western Civilization, the Complete Musical (abridged) running July 10 through Aug. 1 at ACT. Director David Block and actor Alex Albrecht drop by the studio this week to let us know all about it.
- David Block, Director, Western Civilization, the Complete Musical (abridged)
- Alex Albrecht, Actor, Western Civilization, the Complete Musical (abridged)
ORIGINAL BROADCAST: Friday July 10 at 2:45 p.m.
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Stage Talk Calendar (For more information about each performance or to purchase tickets, click on the company's name.)
- Anchorage Community Theatre in association with Midnight Sun Theatrepresents Western Civilization, the Complete Musical (abridged) created by the Reduced Shakespeare Company opening July 10th and running until August 1st.
- Stories at the Cemetery performs July 12th at 6:00pm in the Anchorage Memorial Park Cemetery
- Cyrano's Theatre CompanyAnchorage: The First Hundred Years. Ten Decades, Ten Plays Runs July 1st -September 6th
- Denali Arts Council presents The Complete History of America...(abridged) created by the Reduced Shakespeare Company, July 3rd-12th at the Sheldon Community Arts Hangar in beautiful downtown Talkeetna.